Chapter 30 - I'll Never Leave You...

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Still staring out the window, Avery hadn't realized that Olivia and Selenita were freaking out behind her. A violent knock on the door, made Avery shake out of her phase. She turned her head as the door was knocked on violently. Olivia let out a little scream and she started to shake, with fear. Selenita grabbed two candelabras and handed one to Avery. They held them in front of them, in defensive, as the knocks on the door got louder, meaning someone was either using their foot or their body to break the door down. Avery and Selenita stood, ready for whoever was trying to break in. The wood started to split and Avery could make out two men and several ladies. They looked worried, but the atmosphere in the room didn't calm Avery down. 

Eventually the door was kicked up and the three girls screamed. Avery closed her eyes and just held the candelabra in front of her, hoping someone would just walk into it and just stab themselves. She opened them again when she felt Olivia run away from behind her. She noticed Selenita had a calm expression on her face and Avery turned her head to where Selenita was looking. 

Dylan stood with a sword, as did Troy who had Olivia in his arms. Behind them, Clarissa and Marigold had made their way into the room and several maids stood outside the room, fear dripping off all of their faces. 

Avery dropped her candelabra suddenly and ran to Dylan. He hugged her, comforting her, as she shook in his arms. Selenita ran to them as well and Dylan gave her a quick hug as did Troy, but Clarissa broke off their embraces.

"We must go!" She ordered and Dylan nodded. Taking hold of Avery's hand, he led the way. His strides were big and Avery had to run every now and again to keep with him. 

"Where are we going?" She breathed out frantically as they descended the grand stair-case. 

"A secret part of the palace where we would hide mother and Aunt Marigold when the kingdom was under attack," Dylan replied, as they reached the bottom of the staircase. He turned left towards the dining room. They paced quickly and arrived at the kitchen. It was empty, but very messy. Food was dropped everywhere as where utensils. There were pots and pans everywhere, some broken and some had food in them. Dylan reached the other end of the kitchen, which had a grand fire-place. He leaned forward and let his grip go from Avery's hand and pushed a pattern of tiles. One after another, and when he was done the fire-place started to move. Avery just stood, eyes wide as the fire-place shifted until there was an open entrance for them all to enter. 

Dylan grabbed Avery's hand again and he took her in. When everyone was inside, the fireplace closed and it became pitch black.

"Selenita, light the way!" Dylan's voice echoed in the hollow tunnel. A red light shone out of Selenita's hands as she moved forward to where Dylan and Avery stood. They walked quickly through the tunnel until they reached a stair-case. Slowly, they went down and they arrived at a door. Dylan opened it and they walked into a room. Avery felt the cold and smelt the damp. Selenita blew at her hand and they room was illuminated by small, balls of light. The room was pretty basic; it had two double beds with worn out sheets, a dresser, a sink and a bucket. There was also a dead plant and a dusty rug on the floor. Avery shuddered at the cold as did Olivia and then she realized, that when she exhaled, she let out a little steam from her mouth.

"It's so cold here!" Avery shivered as Dylan led her and everyone to the beds.

"It's supposed to be. No-one comes here unless there's a crises like now," Dylan explained. He let Avery's hand go as he checked all of the corners, as did Troy and then he turned his attention to his mother.

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