Chapter 32 - The Great Battle Part 2

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Dylan dropped his hands from Selenita's face as the words hit him like a tonne of bricks. 

"What?" He managed to say and Clarissa shook her head.

"You're mistaken!" She cried and Selenita shook her head. Olivia walked over to her.

"She isn't, your majesty. I saw them. It was them and Raphael was the one that killed your father Dylan, not Argon..." Olivia explained and Dylan felt the anger boil in him.  He felt his grasp tighten around his sword and he only thought of one thing: Raphael was a murderer! 

He turned, and ran down the stairs. 

"Dylan? Where you going?" Clarissa shouted after him.

"Where do you think?" Marigold replied and Dylan felt them behind him.

"Don't try and stop me!" He cried and his mother jumped in front of him.

"Dylan, no! You cannot do this!" She said sternly and Dylan just frowned at her.

"Mother, the man you married killed my father, your husband! The only one you ever loved! We all thought it was Argon but it was him! The man everyone trusted, the man everyone believed had tried to save father, but he didn't! All this time, he has been under our noses, eating meals with us, talking to us! You would let me do this, mother if you love father!" Dylan replied and Clarissa gasped.

"Dylan! I love your father more than anything and you more! You cannot expect me to sit back while you say that! Dylan, I know it hurts, but what exactly will you get out of killing him? Your father will never return. We should keep him as long as possible, so he can tell us everything he knows..." Clarissa explained. Marigold and Troy nodded as did Selenita and Olivia but Dylan shook his head.

"I won't kill him mother, but I'm going to make him talk!" Dylan said and he pushed past his mother and carried on down to where the soldiers aligned, ready for attack. Raphael and Erhard  were standing reading a map of some sort and Dylan let out a deep breath, before we walked closer.

"Raphael," He called him and the king turned around. 

"Yes Dylan, what do you want?" Raphael said with his eyebrows raised.

Dylan laughed. "Actually I wanted to ask you something."

"Go on."

"When were you going to tell us you killed the king?" Dylan said sternly as he pulled his face into a serious look. Raphael frowned at him.

"What in the world of Enchanted are you talking about?" Raphael laughed and Dylan took his sword and held it as Raphael's neck. The king threw his hands up in surrender, Erhard moved away and the soldiers grabbed their weapons, pointing them at Dylan.

"Put your weapons down!" Clarissa ordered behind Dylan and the soldiers obeyed. Raphael frowned at Clarissa and then at Dylan.

"What..." Raphael started but Dylan pushed the sword closer towards him. Raphael slowly backed away.

"Explain yourself now!" Dylan demanded and Raphael shook his head. Clarissa threw an energy ball at him and the king dodged it, landing a few feet away. He jumped up quickly and glared at Clarissa. He had anger, dripping from his eyes. He clenched his hands into fists and he threw an energy beam at her. Clarissa, absorbed the energy, effortlessly and threw it back. A tiny battle between the king and queen broke out before Dylan stopped his mother. Clarissa was held restraint by Marigold and Troy and Dylan grabbed hold of an injured Raphael, bringing him over to the queen. She looked at him in disgust, with tears streaming down her face. Marigold let her sister go as Clarissa paced herself slowly to her husband. She frowned at him and slapped him with so much power across his face. 

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