Chapter 33 - The Great Battle Part 3

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'Avery, stay where you are! It's too dangerous! I cannot have anything happening to you. My time has come and no-body can do anything about it...'

Dylan's voice rang in Avery's head as she saw him lying on the floor as he tried getting up. Avery's heart-ached, watching him in pain. She had already tried to run to him, but Alex and Olivia held her back. Clarissa cried for her son, screaming, as Antonio held her back. Selenita and Troy comforted each other, for their best friend, they all knew there was nothing that could be done. 

Avery cried for him, feeling her heart shatter, the more he slipped away. She had to hold him one last time, but Olivia and Alex's hold on her was too strong for her to break, after she used half of her energy trying to weaken Argon. Breathing shakily, Avery looked at Dylan lying on the ground, he was lifeless but still alive, she still had that connection with him. Closing her eyes, Avery let out a blast of energy that sent Olivia and Alex flying in opposite directions. She looked at them, made sure they were okay, and when they got up Avery ran to where Dylan lay.

"Avery!" Alex's voice in the distance was a blur to Avery as she ran to where Dylan lay. Argon's cackled laugh erupted in the whole kingdom and Avery stopped in her tracks when she saw him, aim at her. Putting her hands together, Avery threw a powerful blast of energy at him and he plummeted through the air. Avery felt herself weaken even more, not knowing if she could reach Dylan. But she continued to run to him, not knowing he was that far.

Reaching him, he was bleeding, rapidly and he lay with a hand on his wound. The spear was still lodged near his heart. Avery closed her eyes and touched the spear, and she felt it disappear and she heard Dylan cough. Avery gasped, opening her eyes. Dylan rolled over onto his side and Avery dropped to the floor to take him into her arms. He was bleeding more, but she knew taking the spear out would reduce the pain. He coughed and Avery felt herself cry as she reached for his hand, and squeezed it. He did the same and Avery cried a smile, watching his eyes, flicker. He watched her and then placed his free hand on her face and smiled.

"You' my...queen..." Dylan mumbled and Avery smiled at him. Her heart continued to shatter, and tears continued to drop. She hadn't realized Argon was back on his feet and he was heading for them. 

"And you'll always be my king..." Avery mumbled back and Dylan smiled at her and caught his breath in his throat. "You said you'd never leave me." Avery demanded and Dylan coughed.

"I'm...not going anywhere...I'll in your...memories your heart..." Dylan stuttered and Avery's tears fell faster. She placed her other free hand on his hand that was on her face and rubbed it.

"Let me help you..." Avery insisted and Dylan shook his head.

"You cannot. Argon's spear...kills fairies...and we...are not real...soul-mates...there is can do about it..." Dylan replied and Avery's heart shattered once again. She was surprised she was still alive because the pain she was feeling was enough to put her on her deathbed as well. Dylan shuffled slightly and Avery exhaled shakily. Argon was creeping up on her and she couldn't hear anything, not even the cries of her friends. They cried for her to get up and run, but Avery stayed, and held her love in her arms. 

As his breaths got shorter and his heart-beat slowed down, Avery breathed frantically.

"There must be something. I cannot lose you! I cannot bare that loss, please Dylan tell me what to do!" Avery cried as she panicked and Dylan grabbed her face with his two hands and calmed her down, looking her in the eye, properly.

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