Chapter 34 - I'll Always Remember You...

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The sound of trickling water made Avery open her eyes. They flickered and she caught her breath in her throat. Turning her head  slightly, Avery made out a blurry figure sitting next to her, but after blinking a few times, Avery noticed it to be Selenita. She was damping a piece of cloth in a water bowl, and started to dab it against Avery's head. Avery smiled briefly and blinked slowly as Selenita smiled back. She placed the cloth back in the bowl and got up and she walked to the door. Selenita called for someone, Avery couldn't make out who. 

Eventually, Alex, Troy, Clarissa, Antonio, and Olivia walked in, with smiles and tears. Avery watched them all and they all stood around the bed she lay on. Her eyes adjusted and she recognized it to be her room. Avery slowly sat up, with the help of Troy and Alex. She thanked them and Olivia came and sat next to her on the bed as did Selenita. Clarissa walked to the edge of the bed, and also sat down and placed a hand on Avery's leg, that was under the covers.

"How are you feeling my darling?" Clarissa said soothingly and Avery exhaled.

"Much better, thank you," Avery replied and Clarissa smiled.

"What do you remember?" Antonio asked her and Avery shook her head slowly.

"I remember the hiding in the room, being kidnapped and taken to the underworld, reuniting with Alex, roaming the underworld castle looking for the Secreta Inferis, fighting off demons and fleeing the underworld and the battle that took place here," Avery recalled and Antonio nodded while everyone else laughed. Avery's eyes opened wide and she look at them all one by one. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Four days. Well three and a half, if you want to be precise," Alex chuckled and Avery gasped.

"How on Earth did I sleep for that long?" Avery mumbled to herself.

"When you killed Argon, you lost all of your power and energy. You blacked out straight afterwards and we brought you here, to regain that energy and power. As you are very powerful, it only took you four days to return to normal," Clarissa explained and Avery nodded.

"So where's Marigold?" Avery asked and Troy let out a deep sigh.

"Mother is mourning in her room. Argon might have been a complete sociopath but he was still her mate and she did love him," Troy said sadly and Avery let her gaze drop to the floor and the whole room fell into silence.

"So what's happened while I've been asleep?" Avery said quickly.

"Well, we've rebuilt Enchanted, all the fairies are resuming work today. The underwater kingdom is getting a makeover, Raphael and Erhard have been stripped of their powers and are currently in the dungeon. So everything is going back to normal, but slowly," Selenita explained and Avery smiled, but it suddenly dropped when it hit her.

"But it will never be normal without Dylan," Avery mumbled and Clarissa let out a deep, shaky breath. "I'm sorry, for mentioning it." Avery added quickly, looking at Clarissa but the queen shook her head.

"No, no, it's okay. Don't apologize. I will hear it no matter where I go. But Avery, you made him so happy, and that is all I wanted," Clarissa sobbed and Antonio rubbed a hand on her back, comforting her. 

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