Chapter 5: It's Done

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Ryan's POV-

That's it....this football bastard had to be put to a stop. A smirk spread across my face, I saw red, my blood boiled, my body went tense. I sat a smirk on my face for the rest of the day...then the bell rang and I followed him. Let's see what a star football player could do against an angry crazy kid. I walked, shadowed him until we got about the distance between his house and the school. I chuckled and he spun around "What the fuck are you doing here, and who the hell are you?" I just smirked and I charged him, he tried to stop my but I was too fast for him. I punched him in the stomach making him fall too his knees, he grabbed my leg and pulled me down. he jumped on top of me and he managed to get a few punches into my face. "You hit like a bitch Collin" I smirked and I kneed him in his stomach, I then returned what he did to me. I jumped on top of him and I began to punch him repeated in the face....over and over....over and over. His blood splattering on my hands and shirt, and damn it was a lot. I kept punching even after he stopped breathing, and then after about 12 more punches I stopped. I took his body and I dragged him and his stuff all the way back to me. I made a fire and I dropped all his stuff in it and set it on fire. That was one part of this mess finished, now I had to deal with him. I took him and like a few other serial killers, I cut him into pieces, wrapped his body in plastic and buried him in the small group of trees behind my house. "Try stealing my girl now bastard" I spit on the spot in which he was buried and I walked inside. The voice had finally stopped, it was what controlled my anger and made me do what I did. I  undressed and threw my clothes in the washer, I wasn't a stalker but I knew where Miranda lived...I need to check up on her. I shower and cleaned away all the blood and in just a t-shirt and some boxers I walked to her house and I knocked slightly. She ran to the door and opened it, she pretty much tackled me and hugged me crying softly into my chest soaking my shirt in her tears. I wrapped my arm around her and took her inside, where the two of us sat on her couch and she laid her head on my shoulder. I patted her hair and rusty who I later figured out was her small dogs name jumped into her lap and I petted his head softly. "Thank you so much for coming over Ryan" she said softly "No problem Miranda" I smiled and looked over at her, I was surprised to find her sleeping soundly on my shoulder. I carried her to her to her bedroom. I laid her softly on the bed and put the blankets over her. I also took my shirt off and I put it on her. I went downstairs and I sat on the couch and I sat there watching TV until I passed out on her couch.

Miranda's POV

It was morning and i got up and took a shower. I got dressed in a White Ghost Town t shirt and blue jean shorts putting on my makeup. Just only Winged eyeliner and mascara, and Jeffree Star's Velour Liquid Lipstick: Rose Matter. I straightened my hair and put on my black beanie and my choker. I walked downstairs and found Ryan asleep on the couch. I smiled softly. He's so cute when he sleeps. He begins to wake up and he looks up at me. "Good morning beautiful." he smiles. I blushed a bit and smiled back. "You Know you didn't have to stay last night". He just looks at me "I wanted to plus i wanted to stay til your parents get home" I just went silent. I looked down. "My parents died 3 years ago..I've been on my own ever since" He just looked at me shocked. "What? How did they die?". "Car accident" i replied sadly. "I'm so sorry" he said. "It's okay." I looked down. He gets up and walks towards me he lifts my chin up gently stroking my cheek gently. I just wanted him to kiss me already but he pulled away. "I have to go" He walks toward the front door. "Ryan wait!" He turns to my direction "hmm?''. "Why did you run off like that at school yesterday? You looked you wanted to kill.." He looks away. "That's none of your concern". None of my concern? "I just wanna know..- "I SAID IT'S NONE OF YOUR FUCKING CONCERN!!!!" I gasped and he just looks at my with sorry eyes and leaves without saying a word. My dear Ryan..what's going on in your head..

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