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{July 7th; 9:23 am}

*one new message*

Bradley: I'm at the airport and I'll be boarding soon. I'm excited to finally see you.

9:23 am

Sabrina: ahh I know it's hours away but you don't know how nervous I am. My heart is racing.

9:25 am

Bradley: I feel like I should feel bad for how excited I am. Some people have to wait years before seeing each other but we made it happen in less than a year.

9:31 am

Sabrina: yeah I know...but I guess we're just lucky. I'm glad we got this opportunity. But I still would've waited years and years if I knew I would eventually meet you. I really love you Bradley.

9:35 am

Bradley: I love you too B ❤ more than you know.

9:37 am

Sabrina: I don't think I'll ever get use to those three words coming from you :)

9:38 am

Bradley: I could say the same thing. But I have to go now, my flight is boarding. I love you so so much baby. I'll see you in a few hours ❤

10:00 am

Sabrina: can't wait 😆 I love you 💕 have a safe flight.

10:01 am


I stand in the Allentown airport with sweaty palms and a racing heart. It's been a little over five hours since Bradley took off. His flight was an estimated five hours and fifteen minutes, he said, so I'm gonna have to wait a little while longer.

I can't believe I'm gonna meet him. I know it's not been that long but that doesn't make me any less deserving. I'm so excited.

Forty more minutes pass and I'm getting anxious. I constantly glance at my phone, checking for a new message, but it always comes up blank.

"Where is he" I ask glancing at the door he'll come out when he lands. "he told me at" I pause, looking at time he sent the message "9:23 that he was about to board the plane"

"He'll be here soon Sabby, just be patient." My sister says, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah Sabrina, don't worry so much. He's gonna land soon" Peyton, her boyfriend chimes in.

After the announcement that his flight has landed, I feel as if my heart is going to leap out of my chest. Minutes after landing, the door opens and people start coming out.

I turn back to Sarah and Peyton and squeal in excitement. I need to let all that out before I meet Bradley, I can't scare him off.

I face the door again and watch for Bradley to come out. After the last person exists my heart drops... Where is he?

I couldn't have missed him. I quickly pull out my phone and send him a text.

Sabrina: WHERE ARE YOU???!!!!

1:12 pm

Bradley: um I'm not quite sure...I might've gotten on the wrong plane.

1:14 pm

Sabrina: um what? How is that....are you messing with me?

1:17 pm

Bradley: turn around

1:17 pm

I quickly turn my body around and there, I see him, standing about 20 feet away with his phone still in his hands.

He smiles widely at me and before I know it, my feet are carrying me to him. I run to meet him and as soon as I get to him I jump into his arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and arms around his neck.

He holds onto my legs with one are and my back with another as he spins me around.

I lean back a bit to study his face. I run my fingers across his cheek and over his jaw. Then I trace his lips and smile. He is perfect.

His eyes are deep brown and at this moment, they are sparkling. I can see the love in his eyes and that makes my heart melt.

He puts me down and wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me close. My eyes fall down to his lips they look so kissable. I reach up to quickly kiss them. And with that one short kiss, a million butterflies let loose in my stomach.

I decide one peck wasn't enough so I pull him even closer and infuse our lips together. Nothing has ever felt so right before. So I kiss him again and again, the kisses becoming more passionate each time. After breathing becomes an issue, we lay our foreheads against each other and just embrace one another. This moment is just like I imagined it would be, perfect.

Then he speaks and I swear everything in me just stops to listen to his smooth voice.

"Hey gorgeous" he whispers.

I kiss him one more time before replying. "Hi"



And that my friends, was the last chapter :') Its been fun and I hope you all enjoyed it. I had lots of fun writing it and yeah. Thanks for reading :)

Until next time... peace may you leave the shore. In love may you find the next. Safe passage on your travels until our final journey on the ground... May we meet again.



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