thirty eight

993 38 10

{Saturday; 7:45 am}

"Mommy! Wake up" I faintly hear as I'm being woken up from my peaceful slumber.

I take a second to rub the sleep from my eyes before I open them to face my 2 year old. I smile at him and run my fingers through his messy curls "good morning bug. What's wrong" I kiss his forehead.

He grabs my hand with both of his and tries to make me get up. I giggle at the sight of this little bean using all his force to pull me up. So I play along and stand, as if he did it all alone.

Pride flashes across his face for a second until he returns to mission in dragging me out of the room.

"Mimi talking" he says

"What" I laugh. He's so cute when he tries to talk in sentences.

"Door" he points towards that area.

That sparks my interest. I wonder what he's talking about.

I allow him to lead me to the kitchen, after he let's my hand go I peak around the corner to see into the living room. My mother is standing at the door talking to someone but I can't tell who.

When I hear the stranger speak my stomach does a flip but I'm not sure why. But that voice does sound strangely familiar.

"Mommy" Ocean says and hold his arms out for me to pick him up. I comply and pick my son up and place him on my hip.

"I wonder who she's talking to" I say to myself.

"Man" Ocean replies

Before I can say anything else, Sarah comes in and stands next to me.

"Sarah!" Ocean squeals leaning over for her to take him.

When she does, she starts attacking him with kisses and he breaks out into a fit of giggles. I smile at the sight in front of me, I love their relationship.

After a few moments, I return my attention back to the front door. Sarah follows my gaze.

"Who is mom talking to" she nods towards the door

I shrug "I'm wondering the same thing."

Right after those words leave my mouth, my mom turns around and yells for me to come here.

I slowly make my way to the front door. When the unknown man comes into my line of vision, my heart starts racing.

What is he doing here?

"hey Sabrina, it's been a while" the raspy voice says.

I cringe at just hearing him speak.

"What the hell do you want" I spit with venom.

"Language" my mom warns.

I cross my arms and just glare at him.

"I'm gonna leave you two alone. Be nice" she says to me.

When she's out of sight I look back at the wretched creature standing in front of me. "I'm gonna ask again. Why the hell are you here, Owen?"


Two updates, one day, no regrets. Anyways I hope this wasn't to cringe worthy.

And there you have it, Owen is the dad. He isn't famous because if Peyton couldn't be the dad then I didn't want any other famous dude. But I do kind of picture him as Will Meyers, only because of the hair tho.

So yeah...tell me what you thought. Good or bad. But don't make me cry lmao


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