forty two

962 39 17

{Friday; 7:34 pm}

*one new message*

Sabrina: one more week until I'm out of this school!!!!!!

7:34 pm

Bradley: you're gonna love it. The graduated life is great 😎

7:37 pm

Sabrina: yeah I'm sure it is. I'm ready to go to Cali, it's gonna be Ocean's first time out of state.

7:39 pm

Bradley: that's exciting, I bet he's ready for that.

7:40 pm

Sabrina: yeah that's all he's been babbling on about. He's super excited.

7:45 pm

Bradley: awe haha what's my little man doing?

7:48 pm

Sabrina: he's about to go to bed so I'm letting him get his "jumpies" out.

Sabrina: he's about to go to bed so I'm letting him get his "jumpies" out

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7:50 pm

Bradley: isn't that just cute. You know b, you're a good mom.

7:51 pm

Sabrina: because I let my kid jump on the bed? Lol

7:53 pm

Bradley: no lol even tho that's a bonus. But just the way you talk about him and when we face time I see the way you look at him and treat him. Youre amazing.

7:57 pm

Sabrina: I'm crying. Thank you Bradley, that means a lot to me. No one has ever told me that other than family.

7:59 pm

Bradley: no problem. People should tell you that more often because it's true. Youre doing a pretty darn good job at being a mom, especially a teen mom. I can't wait to marry you and raise Ocean with you.

8:04 pm

Sabrina: you think we're gonna get married?

8:07 pm

Bradley: I sure hope so, I really love you Sabrina.

8:08 pm

Bradley: I hope saying that didn't scare you away ..

8:12 pm

Sabrina: of course not! Sorry I putting Ocean to sleep. He says goodnight. But I'd love to be your wife one day, Bradley. I love you too.

8:14 pm

Bradley: oh good haha. Tell my little man I said goodnight as well and give him a hug for me. And that's great to hear :)

8:16 pm

Sabrina: I did lol, he sends one back. And yeah I could so see us getting married.

8:17 pm

Bradley: me too. Sabrina Perry. I like it.

8:18 pm

Sabrina: yeah.. I could get used to.

8:20 pm


I ate tamales tonight, so that was good.

Idk if I ever said what grade Sab was in or if she was in 11th. Hopefully I didn't bc that would've been another thing I screwed up lol


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