fifty five

887 25 14

{Thursday; 2:12 pm}

"Baaaabe" I cooed trying to get Bradley's attention.

"Yes my love?" He asks, not taking his eyes off of the tv.

"Look at me" I say putting my face close to his. He doesn't budge. "Fine I guess you don't want a kiss"

A small smile appears on his face but he still faces forward. I groan and cross my arms over my chest.

After a minute or so, I feel arms wrapping around me and a kiss on my head. "I'm joking babe"

I push him away "No don't try to come to me now"

"Sabrina" he says in a firm voice.

"Bradley" I say back, mocking his tone.

He sighs and then all of a sudden lunges at me and tickles me. Laughs escape my mouth and I can't breathe. I fall to the ground trying to get away but he just follows me and continues. 

"Brad...ley..sto...stop" I stuggle to get out.

He calms down a bit and I push him off of me and turn us around. I straddle his hips and hold his hands above his head. I know he's letting me because he could easily get out of my hold.

"Stop" I say finally.

"Make me" I challenges.

I bend down and lightly brush our lips together. His gaze is intense and I can feel my heart racing in my chest with just the thought of kissing him. I love that he still has that effect on me.

Just as I go to connect our lips, a certain curly haired someone interrupts. "Mommy!" I hear my son yell.

I quickly get off of Bradley and send him a quick wink and he just smirks.

Right after we both get up, Ocean appears before us. His hair is wild due to him just waking up and his clothes are full of wrinkles.

"You're a mess." I laugh "how was your nap?"

"Good." he yawns "I want to play"

Bradley comes to stand next to me and places a hand on my waist, pulling me close. "Why don't we all make lunch and then play"

"Oh yes!" Ocean happliy agrees.


An hour later after we all ate I tell the boys to go out and play while I get everything cleaned up. Bradley tries to help clean up but I shoo him away.

While washing dishes, I look out to the backyard and see them playing catch. It's an amazing sight.

I turn the music up in the kitchen and finish cleaning. After everything is cleaned and put away I decide to see what Ocean and Bradley are doing. I walk to the backyard and see Ocean climbing up a tree and Bradley is nowhere in sight. I quickly open the door and walk outside to scold thw little boy. Juat as I'm about to tell him to get down, I see my three year old fall and onto his arm.


Ocean" I run over to my son who is screaming out in pain. "Baby look at me" I cradle him in my arms while examining him. He clutches his arn, "is it your arm, baby?"

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