Neon Lights II

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"Y/N!" I shot up from my sleep hearing my name being shouted. I quickly rolled out of my bunk onto my stomach and scrambled up to my feet. I sprinted to the back room and fumbled with the knob to open the door. "WHAT WHATS WRONG?" I shouted breathlessly once I got the door open.

Dinah and Normani started laughing as I calmed down seeing that no one was hurt or in danger.

"Nothing you doofus. We just wanted to hang." Dinah explained while getting up. "Where are you going then?" I asked confused. "To get the rest of the girls." She said in a duh tone.

"When we stop we're going on a date." Normani stated. "Oh yeah?" I asked in a challenging tone . She nodded and looked down to continue whatever she was doing on her phone. Normani and I have had a fair share of moments during tour.

We are in Louisiana on our way to the hotel after our show. It was fun. The meet and greet was alright. Ignored as usual but none of them were too rude.

Back to the Normani issue. I like her. I honestly do. I'm not too sure if she likes me though. I'm not oblivious, I know she has some sort of feelings towards me but I'm not sure if they match mine. We haven't done anything to wild. Kisses on the cheek, nose, forehead. Looks from across the room. Sneaky touches here and there. The fans have noticed and to my surprise they support it very much. N and I like to mess with them and do things on purpose when we know they're watching. Most of the time when we do let things slip they're unconsciously. I'm just not sure if she's just messing with the fans and that shit is scary. I'll just wait to see what our date will consist of.

"Wait are we going on a real date? Like a date date or like a friend date?" I ask nervously. She giggles at me "Of course it's a real date. I like you, y/n. I thought you knew that." I blinked then smiled largely.

The girls walked in with Dinah. "What's up chickens." Normani looked up from her phone "Y/n and I are going on a date tomorrow, yes it's a real date, and no you can't come." I looked at the girls wide eyed as they looked between us both in shock. Way to be blunt, Mani.

"You guys are a real thing?" Lauren asked still shocked. I stayed silent not knowing what to say. "Well we will be." I looked at Normani wide eyed. She winked and smirked knowing she had me wrapped around her finger.


We made it to the hotel and we are now sitting in a circle on my bed in Mani and I's room.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Dinah said excitedly. Everyone agreed so we began. "Y/n first. Truth or dare?" Lauren asked

"Truth." I said shyly. I've never actually played truth or dare. Back in Australia my friends and I were very young so the most we ever did was cross the street without using the crosswalk. And when I came to America I had school online so no friends here till now.

"How do you feel about Normani?" I blushed and looked down. "Uh- she's uh- very beautiful. The best dancer I've ever seen. One of my best friends. Maybe more than that. Banging body." I bit my lip then continued, now in my own little world "I've never had these feelings before really. Butterflies when she looks at me. My heart speeds up when she kisses my cheek or nose. I can listen to her talk about Beyoncé all day. She's just great. You're great." Looking up into her eyes.

"Holy shit dude. That was amazing. I've never seen you like this y/n/n." Lauren said. "Ally truth or dare." I said quickly trying to get the attention off of me.

"Truth." The girls all groaned "You guys are lame!" Dinah groaned. "Are you a virgin?" Everyone went silent and all perked up to see what little Allysus had to confess.

"No" she smirked. "OH SHIT NOOO HA THIS ISNT REAL" everyone lost their shit. We eventually calmed down and the game continued.

A bunch of crazy dares later and it was back to me. This time it was Normani "y/n, truth or dare?" She asked with a smirk

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