Chapter 11: Pranks

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Tessa takes a pillow into her arms and shoves her face into it. "Shwur hwow abwot Mwrio Kwert"

"Come again?" I say taking the pillow from her grasp.

"Sure, how about Mario Kart" She repeated.

"Oh," I throw the pillow at her. "What are we gonna bet on though?"

She leans her head on her hand and smirks. "Loser has to prank call someone..." She pauses. "Someone of the winners choice"

"Okay," I smirk "For the rules,well for example if I win 1st place then you lose the bet but if let's say Peach wins then we both lose the bet" I explain.

Tessa nods. "We can do three rounds but the bet counts each round"

I lost the first round.

Tessa gives me a phone number from and old classmate I had a crush on once.

"Hello?" A man picks up.

I muffle my voice "Hello sir, we're doing a survey and you have a chance to win 1 million dollars"

"Okay... Uhh, sure" He hesitates. "How many questions?"

"10 questions" I reply.

"Okay..." He replies.

I hide a giggle behind the phone "Question 1, What is your favorite food?"


"Question 2, What color is your refrigerator?"

"..." I think the man checked. I muffle my laugh. "White?" He replied.

"Question 3, will you marry me?"

He hung up.

"But you have 7 more questions..." I whisper trying not to laugh but then I do.

Tessa and I laugh for a couple of minutes. "Haha... That was great" I say wiping a tear from my eye.

The next round I won and I had Tessa call a local store.

"May I help you?" A lady answered the phone.

Tessa put on a western accent "No, I'm just looking" then hung up. We giggled a bit "That wasn't good, can I try again?"

"Be my guest" I point at the phone.

"Okay, I got a good one" Tessa giggled between words. She dialled a local pet store.

"Um, Hello!" Tessa gave a sassy accent.

"Yes Hello, how can I help you?" A woman replied.

"You don't need to help me but my fish!" Tessa sassed. "You see my fish has drowned!"

"Drowned..?" The women replied.

"I bought this fish the other day and I checked on it to find it drowning!" She shouts.

"Um, Mam?"

Heroes (Jacksepticeye x Reader x Markiplier) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now