Chapter 14: Cat and Dog

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It's been a week since Mark and Sean told me about the creepy fangirl incident. In a couple of days they'll be home, the convention is already over but they're doing a bit of sightseeing.

"Hey, Tessa?"

She looks up for a quick second then continues to pour a glass of milk. "Yeah?"

"I wanted to do something for Mark and Sean for when they get back" I smile.

"For your boyfriends?" She smirks and puts the milk back in the fridge.

"Oh, shush!" I blush "I was thinking of giving them a gift of some sort"

"How cute~" She grins "But why?"

"Well, they're hanging with some friends and they were doing panels and talking a lot and they-" I realized that I was talking a bit fast "Er... They're probably exhausted and... Yeah" I rub the back of my neck.

"Well, sure but what could we give them?" Tessa rubs her chin.

"Well, they've been receiving gifts at the con but maybe something they didn't get" We sit there for a minute and think. I slam my hands down on the table "I know!"




Jack's POV

Tomorrow we have to head back, I'm glad though, we can leave those creepy fangirls that are probably following us.

I look around.

"Sean?" Mark asked in a confused manor. "What are you...?"

"Badgers... Er,I mean those girls, well they're like badgers" I look around.


I flinch "Didja hear that?!" I look around, this incident has made my heart go to my mouth, it's creepy!

A hand goes to my shoulder. I flinch. "Jack, please calm down, we'll be home soon and we'll see Y/N- I... Er... Mean Vladimiria, our editor..."

I nod. "She's such a sweetheart" I hear shuffling in the background but I don't turn around "Too bad she's married..." I sigh "But she belongs with him"

Mark winks at me. Our stalkers are definitely following us. Mark takes out his phone and taps the screen, I glance over, he's texting Y/N.

Danger! Stalker alert, don't worry we'll be okay. I hope. If we don't contact back just assume we're dead, tell our subscribers that we love them.

We turn into an ally. Y/N texts back.

Okay, be safe 0-0

Mark puts his phone away. We turn around and wait in the dark ally.

"Hey, just because you think you're trash doesn't mean you have to hide in it!" Mark calls out.

"Ha...ha, Mark you're so funny" The blonde girl smirks as she stand up behind a dumpster.

A brown haired girl appears from behind another dumpster. "Jackaboy~" She sings.

"That's creepy! Stop!" I shout.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jackaboy..." She gives me puppy dog eyes. I don't fall for it.

"So what are the names of our stalkers?" Mark frowns.

"Stalkers? More like future wives-"

"Shut up, now names" Mark gets serious and I do the same.

Heroes (Jacksepticeye x Reader x Markiplier) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now