Chapter 32: We believe what's on TV

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Haha... I clearly did not just wake up... (It's 10:47pm) haha (went to sleep at 8:am) haha...

I'm screwed when school comes around (Tuesday) 3 DAYS!! *weezing*

I'm sorry if school has already started for you but at least it's started, I'm still freaking out (I'll explain in an A/N chapter)


It's been a couple of days since 'the call' and I still don't know what to think of it. If I trust her it could lead to a trap but if I don't trust her then I could spill the plans to Amber and she'll get mad and then we'll both be dead and she'll have have Mark and Jack will probably be sad and there won't be anyone to make him cookies...

I'm over thinking it. I should just choose an answer. Honestly, trust is probably the best option...

"Hey" I hear. I look over to my bedroom window.

"Patty, did you get your hair dyed again?" I ask looking at her dyed red hair.

"Yep, it's the first time for red it's been blue,purple....ANYWAYS" she laughs "I was wondering if anything new has come up" she says, slipping into my window- and she's in my house.

"I've been thinking...that's all" I say. "I think to trust her is the best option"

She walks over to me and sits on my bed "Anything else?"

"Well there was something that I forgot to say that day... It's not to important for you and Tessa but for Mark and Jack it is" I sigh "She told me to quietly mention everything to other people... I assume like Mark and Jack's friends" I look at her for a moment "We got the word out so we're good on that"

She gets up and smiles. "Okay!" She puts her fist in front of her and does a little punch.

"Why are you fired up?" I ask, scratching my cheek in confusion.

She sighs "I shouldn't be pumped up but I have a gut feeling that they're gonna do something soon..."

I shiver a bit "How soon?"

"I don't know... Just a feeling" She sits down next to me again. "I kinda decided to put myself in your mess but I'm glad I did, you'd probably be dead right now if I didn't..."

"Please... I rather not think of my death" I shake my head.

She smiles "Anyways-"

She was interrupted by the door slamming open. "Y/N! Get to the tv-" Sean said put paused for a quick second when he saw Patty.

"What? What?" I ask and Sean suddenly grabs my hand and pulls me to the kitchen. "What's happening?!?" I ask.

"Channel...7" Sean says slightly out of breath. He points to the TV.

There's a man telling the news. "This just in, there's two girls rampaging through the city... It seems they have stolen some weapons of sorts but we'll have to get back to you on that..." He pauses. "Here's some footage"

My eyes widen. Two girls... Rampaging... My thoughts already know who it's gonna be.

The footage played, there was a girl with sorrow on her face and another girl pulling her along. You could see fire and people screaming.

"It's them" I say and I start to feel myself shiver.

"Y/N!" Tessa says as she barges through the front door "Did you-" She stops when she realizes we have it on TV.

"Welcome..." Mark rolls his eyes.

Tessa rolls her eyes back "Anyways... Do you know... Why?"

"We know as much as you do..." Sean says.

"I think I jinxed it" Patty blurted out. "Sorry, I'll plan our funerals now" she says as she picks up a phone.

I put my hand over the phone and take it from her. "Just breath, we'll be alright..." I say taking a few deep breaths but I choke "who am I kidding, we're screwed"

During my short panic attack we pay attention to the tv and the footage they were showing but suddenly the reporter is knocked down and we see one of the girls.

"Hello everyone... I'm Amber but you" she giggles "Yeah, you, their dear little darling, you already know who I am" She grins "I'm gonna ruin your life... Now I know your parents are gone and you can thank me for that but I know some of your friends"

Mark,Sean,Tessa and Patty hide behind the couch.

"I'm gonna make your life miserable, don't try anything because I will find you and kill you-"

"She ripped that quote!" Sean shouts at the TV.

"Jack" I say, staring at him and only him.

"Yes?" He responds.

"Not now."

After seeing these events, I know that my life will truly become hell.

Heroes (Jacksepticeye x Reader x Markiplier) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now