Chapter 19: Hospital

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We make our way to our cars and rushed to the hospital. We agreed that Mark would drop Tessa and I at the hospital and Sean would drive the extra car back to the house, Mark would then pick Sean up and drive to the hospital.

I run into the hospital and Mark follows with Tessa in his arms.

"Please help!" I plead.

A nurse comes out of one of the doors "What is the problem?"

I point to Tessa"My friend got hurt"

The nurse examines Tessa for a moment "What happened?"

I look at Mark "She fell... Out of tree"

"At this time of night?" The nurse gives me a serious look.

"...We were watching the sunset?" I look away.

The nurse nods "Do you know the extent of her injuries?"

"Bruises, cuts... There might be more" I answer.

The nurse walks to the desk and talks to a man, the man gets up and walks to the back of the room. A couple minutes later some nurses rush out and put Tessa on a stretcher and roll her to a room.

"Can you wait out here?" One of the nurses asked.

I nod and find a seat. Mark looks at me for a moment "Text me if anything happens" he said then turned around and out the door.

I sit there watching people sit, and nurses running around. I'm worried, I'm scared. Those fangirls seemed normal, heck I could call them friendly but... They hurt Tessa, she was shivering, scared and she looked pale. I've heard a quote like this before 'Anyone can become a murderer and anyone can become a victim' it's scary to think about it.

I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Miss? Are you okay?" A woman about my age asked. She has dark brown hair, almost black and she has dyed blue hair from her ears down. She's wearing a black shirt that says 'Panic! At the disco' and a red flannel over it. She's wearing black jeans and black converse. She also wearing a key necklace that has a bunch of gears on it.

"What...?" I replied.

"I've been here since you got here and I noticed you were shivering since..." She said putting her hand out "I'm Patty"

I put my hand out and shook hers "Nice to meet you, I'm Y/N"

"Y/N... That name suits you" she smiled, I can tell it she doesn't normally smile. "Anyways, please tell me what happened"

"I'm just worried for my friend, she got hurt... Not life threatening but..." I sighed.

"You must be a good friend..." She smiled. "I wish I had someone like that..."

I didn't catch the last thing she said,"What?" I asked.

"You must be a good friend" She repeated.

I stayed quiet "What are you here for?"

"Oh... I need a checkup for a couple things" She trailed off "it's not important"

Heroes (Jacksepticeye x Reader x Markiplier) *completed*Where stories live. Discover now