Ginger overload

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A/N- This story needs a bit of backstory so the first part is all about that. Let me know what you think!

"Miss Y/L/N?" you heard someone say, but you were unable to understand which one of the many people in front of you was it.

"That's me," you replied nervously while looking around among the crowd. You saw a middle-aged man with ginger hair waving at you. He didn't look like you had imagined him from your parent description.

"Welcome to England, Miss Y/L/N!" the man said with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Please, it's Y/N," you said and smiled back at him. He seemed like a nice guy, like the person you would go to and ask for directions when you're lost and don't know the people around you.

"Y/N it is then, I'm Arthur Weasley. How did the flight go? I, myself have never flown with muggle technology. Here, let me carry your trunk," he said and took the things you were carrying.

"It went well, I slept for most of the time," you smiled back at the man. On your way to the Burrow, that's what he called his home, you fell asleep once again. It must have been because of the time difference.


"This is my family," Mr. Weasley said when you entered the house. You put your stuff down and walked closer to them.

"Hello, I'm Y/N, but I guess you knew that already," you faked a smile. To be frankly honest you thought that the house could fall on you every second now. It looked old and messy. Not that it wasn't cleaned, but the style of it was very chaotic- different colours, things that didn't match, too many shelves that had millions and millions small items on them. Your parents had warned you how this place would look like and you were grateful for that, if they hadn't done it, you would have probably said something that might have sounded mean to people who didn't know you.

"I'm Molly, if you need something then come to me, we want to make you feel yourself like you'd be at home," she hugged you. You froze for a second, the fake smile still on your face. You really valued personal space. You were not the sort of person who would judge others quickly, so you told yourself that this family was just different from your family. After all, the teacher from Hogwarts, McGonnagall, who had found this family for you wouldn't have sent you to stay with some lunatics.

"I'm Ginny," a girl said and you smiled to her.

"Ron," another ginger shyly muttered.

"The others aren't home yet," Molly said and looked at you with a concerned face. You understood that you must have seemed a bit unamused, you had promised your parents to behave the best you could, no matter what happened.

"I really hope I'm not too much trouble, I'm glad that your family was ready to help me out," you smiled.

"Oh, nonsense dear, it's no problem at all," Molly said and rushed to the kitchen when a weird noise was heard from there.

"I know it's not late yet, but I'm exhausted from the flight and I'd be glad to go to sleep," you finally said.

"Oh, absolutely dear, Ginny will show you where your bed is. "

When you were finally lying on your bed in the room that you were sharing with Ginny you started thinking that the situation you were in was weird. You were born in England, but since your father was one of the few wizards who was working with both the muggle ministry and the Ministry of Magic, you had to move to America before starting Hogwarts, all because of your dad's work. America was different, a lot different but soon you got used to it. You made new friends in Ilvermorny and life went on. Moving back to England never crossed your mind, but it wasn't yours to decide. You were sure that you were not the first witch to change schools, but it was still scary. The school year was starting in 5 days and here you were, in England. The worst part was that your house, the old family manor, was not in the state to move in yet, also your dad was still needed for a few months in America. Your parents were going to move in in a few months. After contacting Hogwarts and explaining your situation they soon found a solution. To help you settle in and get all the stuff you needed for school, a kind family was more than happy to take you in for those few days- The Weasleys. You personally didn't know the family, but your parents did.

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