Convenient pain

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A/N: I don't like this part as much as I like the other ones, but it just needs to be here. I promise, the next part is amazing af *ego intesifies* You'll love it!

"I'm sorry but I hope you understand that I can't walk that well, so I guess I have to call off Hogsmeade," you felt bad for breaking your own bone and not only because of all the foul tasting things Madame Pomfrey had made you drink but for the fact that you had to break the promise you made to Blaise. In reality you were glad that you were not on a date with him right now but it still made you feel a bit sad for him.

"It's no problem, you don't have to worry about it. Now tell me, how did this happen?" Blaise seemed worried.

"There was something on the floor which made the floor extremely slippery. I guess you can figure out the rest by yourself," you said and took a sip from the glass of water you were holding.

"When will you get out?" he asked and tried to take hold of your hand but you moved it away without him understanding that it was deliberate.

"In a few hours actually, Madame Pomfrey said that fixing bones was so easy that a child could do it," you tried to force a smile onto your face.

"You've been here overnight already, that doesn't sound like a child's play," he shook his head a bit.

"It takes a bit time and is unbelievably painful, now I don't want to sound rude but you should go to Hogsmeade now and let me sleep," you didn't get much sleep over the night because the process was indeed painful.

"No, I'll stay here. I don't feel like going!" he seemed troubled to find the words that quickly.

"Nope, that's not going to happen. You'll go to Hogsmeade, have a good time with everyone else and just to make yourself feel useful, bring some of that chocolate, you know the one with purple wrapping and with small strawberry pieces in it for me. How does that sound?" you asked and looked at Madam Pomfrey who was making up a bed two beds away from yours, you made eye contact with her and she rolled her eyes. Blaise still looked a bit sceptical about leaving.

"Miss Y/L/N, needs to rest! I'm afraid you have to leave for at least a few hours. She has a good point about that chocolate you were talking about earlier, it helps to relieve the pain," Madam Pomfrey said and walked closer to you two.

"See?" you said and Blaise finally gave in.

"Get better soon and you'll get your chocolate," he said and stood up.

"Thank you," you said, put the now empty glass away and watched him walk away.

"You really need to rest," Madame Pomfrey said and walked away. Soon you drifted off to sleep.

You were woken from a weird dream that seemed to last forever in your dreams when the doors of the hospital wing opened with a loud bang and people started running around between the doorway and a bed on the other and of the hall alike room that you were in. You raised your head a bit to see what was going on. When you understood that there was a curtain around the bed you were trying to see, you placed your head back down. After a minute of just lying there, you decided to pretend that you were still asleep, perhaps the teachers who had gathered in the hospital wing would talk of something that might give you some information about what was going on.

"We have to inform the parents," McGonagall said, she sounded devastated.

"Let's see what the Headmaster has to say first," Snape replied and you heard someone quickly walk past your bed, you opened your eyes a bit and saw that it was Dumbledore.

"Minerva, go and owl Mr and Mrs Bell immediately, " he said after a few seconds of absolute silence.

Bell? Bell as in Katie Bell? you thought with confusion, no way this could be a coincidence. Just yesterday you had told Draco about his whereabouts.

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