Unwanted Knowledge

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A/N: Life has been treating me like I would have ran over it's dog, that is why I haven't updated, SORRY! I'll give my best to write the next chapter on time. Thank you for the kind feedback <3 I didn't have too much time to edit so... Just so you know.

"Good morning Y/N, has professor Snape already talked to you?" McGonagall's voice made you turn around.

"Good morning, no he hasn't. Is there something wrong?" you didn't get much sleep at night so you had to try hard to concentrate.

"Oh, well it's your about your father. He'll be in Hogwarts for ministry business later today. Dumbledore thought that perhaps you'd like to know that," McGonagall said with a smile on her face. She was always very nice to you.

"He is? When?" you knew that your parents would finally move back this week but not even in your wildest dream had you thought that you'd see one of them before Christmas break.

"Yes, in about 2 hours but the meeting with Dumbledore will also take up some time."

"Can I see him?" you asked.

"Yes, of course, that's why I'm telling you," McGonagall chuckled as if she didn't understand why would you ask something like that.

"Thank you!" The news you recived managed to bring a real smile to your face. Of course also turning your time  at Ivermorny you hadn't seen your parents for months but with everything that was going on right now, you felt like it would help to get at least some answers.

The breakfast wasn't as awkward as you thought it would be. Neither Blaise or Draco were there and Pansy was acting like you'd be her new best friend. She told you all about that one Ravenclaw boy who had tryed to hit on a fellow Slytherin girl,  she had turned him down and things had gotten a bit heated. It felt good to just talk about everyday things with Pansy. You needed to keep your mind occupied so it wouldn't have free time to go to the gloomy corner of your brain, where you were struggling to contain the events of last night.

Since it was a random snowy Saturday and not everyone in the school had caught cold from going to Hogsmeade, the school seemed emptier than usually. Some younger students were outside, the snow seemed too irresistible for them. The older students were probably doing their homework or just relaxing at the library or at their dorm rooms. You want back to your room, finished an essay that you had started a day or two ago, helped a 4th year girl with her transformation homework and when you finally checked the time it was almost time to go and find your dad.

You decided that if you'll just stand behind Dumbledore's office door then you should be good. At first you were just standing there, after about 20 minutes you decided to sit down. You exhaled dramatically and your mind went wandering. Last night had truly been like something out of a romance novel that contains too many cliches. The ending would have been different in that case, your personality wouldn't have taken over and you would have listened to what Draco had to say for himself. You tried to reason with yourself, after all, it seemed like he was quilty for what had happened to Katie. There was clearly something huge bothering him. An idea started forming in your head.

"Well, is that not my Slytherin girl?" your father's voice said.

"Dad!" You squealed and lunged for a hug.

"You seem unusually happy to see me, is everything okay?" you were still clinging onto him.

"Everything's fine and I'm just glad to see you!"

" I don't have more than about half an hour, all this," he motioned at the door," took longer than expected."

"It's no problem. So tell me, how's mum?"

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