Old hats and panties

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A/N: I'm astonished, the first chapter was uploaded 2 days ago and it already has so many reads and some good feedback. Thank you, fellow witches and wizards!

"Have you seen Harry?" Ron asked when you walked into the compartment to get your trunk before taking the first steps of the grounds of Hogwarts. 

"I should have?" you asked, suddenly very aware of the fact that you knew almost no one in this school and that the one's you did know weren't the sort of people you'd like to spend all your upcoming free time together with .

"He's probably at school already, come on," Ron said and made his way out with all his stuff. Hermione hesitated for a moment but followed him anyway. When you finally got out, you noticed that the two were gone already. What a splendid country with all these jolly good people, you cursed the two in your head and wondered if you were the first British person to try to sound even more British to mock the country. How could they just leave you there? Back in USA people were nicer, no... they acted nicer or faked to be nicer. It wasn't the best time to start thinking about cultural differences, you needed to get to the castle, find a person who would seem like a teacher and they would probably make sure you were lead to Professor McGonagall like you needed to be. You spotted a kind looking girl, who also seemed a bit lost.

"Hey, sorry but I'm new here and my friends sort of forgot me here, are you heading to the castle?" you asked from her when you approached.

"Yes, yes I think so, I think my friends did the same to me. I'm Cho," she smiled and offered you her hand. You had your trunk in one hand and a notebook that you had drawn earlier on the train on the other one, it was hard to shake her hand without at least something falling onto the ground.

"I'd shake your hand but..."

"Oh sorry, it's no problem," she cut you off when she understood the situation.

"Anyways, I'm Y/N," you said when you remembered that you hadn't introduced yourself yet.

"What house are you in?" she asked after the silence had gotten a bit weird.

"Oh I don't know yet, I arrived in England only 5 days ago and this is the first time I'll be in the castle. Everything was organised through letters," you explained, "What house are you in?"

"I'm a Ravenclaw," she said and smiled. You were glad that you had met her, she seemed like an easy person to talk to. 

"My parents were both Ravenclaws," you said just to keep the conversation going.

"Maybe you'll be too, I think we'll make great friends," her whole appearance seemed to brighten up when you told her about your parents. 

"Maybe, I guess we'll have to wait and see." You already liked the idea of being a Ravenclaw.

"I guess so." 

"Can I ask you for a little favour?" you asked and smiled, just to look friendly and not awkward.

"Yeah, sure."

"I need to find professor McGonagall, she was supposed to fill me up on everything I need to know."

"I can help you, it's no problem at all." She was smiling again if you'd have to smile that much your muscles would be sore the next day.

The small-talk continued  all the way to Hogwarts. You were glad that you weren't the only one who thought it was a bit creepy when your stuff got inspected for forbidden items, just after entering the gates. 

When you entered the castle you could have sworn that your breathing stopped for a few seconds. Of course you had read and heard about Hogwarts but you didn't think it would be so grandiose. Ilvermorny was also huge and for a stranger probably breathtaking, but being here in Hogwarts made you feel like you've made all the right choices in life just because you ended up in a place like that. After all, when you were a kid you had thought that this would be your home turning the school year. 

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