Muggle things save Christmas

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"Why do we even have a phone, mum? When did we get one?" Pansy half screamed on the other end of the phone.

"Pansy, will you stop screaming? I think my ear is starting to bleed if you won't lower your voice soon. Also, could you maybe concentrate on me for a second?" you knew that Pansy wasn't used to muggle things and were very surprised when she called you.

"These things can make your ears bleed?!?!?" she half screamed and the noise that the phone made sounded like the other end of it was dropped on the ground.

"Talk Pansy, just talk!" you were about to lose it.

"Where will we meet and when?" she finally asked after a moment of hesitation.

"What time would suit you?"

"I have no plans for today, so whenever you have time," she said almost as a normal person would say, perhaps a bit too loud but it was an improvement.

"Your house is connected to the Floo network, right?" you asked.

"You're coming here?" she seemed a bit excited.

"I wouldn't want to let you find your way among the muggles all on your own, now would I?" you chuckled.

"Don't treat me like a child! I would be just fine! It's the stupid muggles who should..."

"There it is!" you laughed and thought that this day might easily turn into a nightmare, "I should get ready now, I'll come to your place. Okay?"

She hung up without saying anything. 

"I'll take that as a yes then," you muttered and walked back to your room on the second floor. It was a wonder that for all those years that you had been away from this place you hadn't missed it. It only occurred to you now, when you were back. This was home! Of course, NY had also felt like home, but this here was the real thing.

You changed into your everyday clothes and grabbed your winter coat from where you had left it yesterday. Something that you would probably start missing about living in NY was probably the clothes. In New York and in United States generally, you were used to wearing muggle (or no-maj as they prefer) clothing. Here you would occasionally spot people on the streets who are struggling with fitting pieces of muggle clothing together. It's quite fun to watch. 

"When will you be back?" your mother asked you when you were heading towards the fireplace. 

"I'm not sure, maybe in a few hours, I'll try to be home before dinner," you promised.


"Do you have muggle money Pans?" you started wondering when you were walking down the street. She stopped and her pale face got even paler.

"I'll lend you some in that case," you said and sighed. 

"What about this one?" Pansy asked and pointed at a store entrance.

"That's for lingerie," you said and held back a small laugh. 

"Oh," Pansy said and her eyes kept wandering around the street to find something that would make her want to enter a store.

"Come on, this one!" you said and dragged Pansy by her elbow.

"It looks dull," Pansy whined but came with you anyway. She must have been tired from the three hours that you had been shopping already. You had gotten the presents for everyone except for Pansy and Draco already. 

As soon as your dark-haired grumpy friend's eyes landed on the section of the store with dresses in it, she seemed to get her will to live back. In about 10 minutes she had chosen a mountain worth of clothes that she wanted to try on. After about 75 minutes of trying on all the clothes and then trying the ones she loved on once again, you finally exited the store. Pansy was holding a paper bag with a dark green dress with lace details on it. 

"So I guess that's it for today," she said to you when you were out on the street. 

"I still need to grab a few things, you can go home if you want to," you wouldn't have suggested it unless Pansy looked tired. She sure as hell did. 

"Good!" she half yawned.

The two of you said your goodbyes and you went back to the store to buy a present for Pansy. She had tried on one other dress but then decided that she only buys one. She didn't want to borrow you so much muggle money. Little did she know that you were more than happy about her decision. Now you only had to grab one of the dresses that she tried on, buy it and voila you had a present for her.

You had found a lovely necklace for your mother and a book about most memorable muggle politicians through the history for your father, he was incredibly fascinated by them. Now you only needed a present for one person- Draco.

You wandered around for 2 hours, going from store to store but nothing caught your eye. You had already almost given up when you noticed a small shop with different Christmas decorations covering every inch of the window. Now thinking back you were not sure what made you step in but one ting was sure- it was so worth it. When you walked out you had a small gift bag in your hand and inside it laid a huge snow globe. Inside the globe, there was a castle-like building. It didn't look much alike Hogwarts but you were sure that you were able to charm it to look a bit more magical when you got back home. 


"Did you get everything you needed?" your mother asked you during the dinner.

"For Christmas?" you asked.

"Yes," she explained.

"Oh, yes!" you sounded excited.

"From the muggle shops, I suppose?" she asked and crooked her eyebrow.

"Eeem... yes," you didn't know where this was coming suddenly. Your parents never had anything against muggles or their products.

"I know it's not easy to understand but we have to start behaving according to or status," your father sounded like it was physically painful for him to say that.

"Did something happen?" you asked with worry.

"No, not exactly!" your mother hurriedly explained, "it's just that there are some whispers and it would be better to not let them turn into something louder."

"Very philosophical," you remarked.

"Y/N!" your parent's shouted in union.

"I understand, okay?" you reassured them.

An awkward silence took over, you finished your dinner and excused yourself saying that you needed to pack the presents. When the rest of the presents were packed, you started working on Draco's snow globe. It was harder than you would have thought. While trying to get all the small details to work like you wanted a sudden wave of anxiety took over you. Tomorrow you were going to meet Draco's mother for the first time. Well, not the very first time but the last time you saw her was when you were 8. 

"You can't screw this up," you whispered to yourself right before going to bed. Tomorrow was going to be stressful but perhaps also enjoyable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2017 ⏰

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