Matchmaker? No?

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"Can I talk to you for a moment?" Draco asked when you were about to walk past him on your way to the library.

"Of course, wait, do you have any idea where I could find Blaise? I've been looking for him," you asked while looking around. Slughorn had wanted to talk to you after today's class that had just ended. He had told you about his old Slug Club and asked you to join him and the rest of the bright heads over supper. He hadn't seen Blaise yet, so he made it your job to let Blaise know that he's invited too. Knowing yourself, you decided that you have to tell Blaise as soon as possible or you'll just forget about it like you always do.

"No, I haven't seen him," he looked nervous, " I want to ask you something."

"Go ahead," you replied looking utterly confused, Draco had been ignoring everyone for the past few months and you hadn't been talking to him outside of your classes in ages.

"You get along with some Gryffindors, right?" he asked you. If this was going to be another " you're a Slytherin, you can't be friends with someone from any other house" then you were seriously going to punch him. Some of the Slytherins had decided to make your life a living hell for being somewhat of a decent human being.

"Maybe," you replied suspiciously.

"Do you happen to know the Gryffindor Quidditch team chaser?"

"Which one?" you asked even more confused.

"The girl with dark hair," he seemed embarrassed to ask me something like that.

"I don't know her personally, what's her name anyway? Wait... Kate something. No, no wait Katie.... Katie Bell!" you said after a few seconds of thinking, "What about her?" you asked with a smirk.

" Can you somehow find out who she'll be going to Hogsmeade with? I wouldn't bother you but you're the only one who actually gets along with a lot of people outside of our house."

"Are you trying to hit on her?" you laughed," because I gotta say that making me do the dirty work is not a great start!" you were absolutely taken aback by the idea of Draco liking someone. You hadn't really thought about it before but now when the situation was rolling itself open in front of you, you felt a sting of jealousy.

"I most certainly am not," he almost spat the words out.

"Okay, okay," you said and threw your hands up, " I'll see what I can do." The faked smirk never left your face. He nodded, turned around and walked away.

Now you needed to find two things, firstly Blaise and secondly your way into Gryffindor common room. As impossible as it might have sounded, you had been there before. Over the months you had managed to make some friends in all of the houses, at first, you were still the Slytherin girl , but after you had stood up for a second year Hufflepuff boy when Pansy and some others had started to pick on him, it changed. Suddenly, the girls in your house hated you (the boys didn't really care since the girls were always bitching about each other) and some people from other houses started to act kinder towards you. Soon you found out, that it was mainly a Slytherin thing that you should never bring anyone to your common room.

"Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?" you asked when you walked into the library and saw Blaise struggling with something that seemed like a magic history essay. 

"Shhhhhh," Madam Prince basically hissed at you and you mouthed " Sorry," in response. Blaise took the paper that he was working on with him and followed you out of the library, it was almost impossible to have a conversation there. 

"So, today after class Slughorn stopped me and well, long story short, he invited me, you and a bunch of other people to a dinner. He said it's some kind of a tradition of his, to honour the brightest heads or something like that," you said after you had exited.

The Long Lost Friend [Draco x Reader] Prequel to The Long Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now