Pansy almost smothers you

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A/N: I'm not dead, just in constant rest. Sorry, I'll try to get on track soon enough.


You scanned the crowd in front of you to see a particular pair of familiar faces, no luck on the first time.

"Are these your parents?" Draco asked and pointed to someone on your right. You looked at the direction but you still didn't see them.

"Where?" you asked.

"If I'm not mistaken, I surely ain't, then with the Weasleys," he answered with a considerable amount of disgust in his voice.

"Oh... seems like it," you said after finding your parents indeed next to the Weasleys. They seemed to be having a heated conversation. "I reckon you'll leave me for a few days now?"

"Yes, until Christmas," Draco smiled a smile that not many people throughout the history had seen, it was a mixture of his famous smirk and something more loving.

"Too bad," you said and grabbed your gloves (that would still be on the train unless Draco had taken them with him) from him. He pulled you closer with only one hand, the other one was trying to keep his trunk from falling off the trolley that he had already put it on.

"See you then, Y/N," he whispered and pecked your temple.

"See you," you said and wiggled out from his embrace, he chuckled and started making his way through the crowd. You turned around and started to look for your parents again, apparently, they had moved somewhere else from the spot that they had been earlier. You spotted them, they seemed to be still with the Weasleys but this time the two gingers and Harry had also joined them. Great.... When you were so close to them that you managed to make eye contact with your father, who then waved at you, someone ran into you.

"I thought you had already left!!!" Pansy half shouted while shaking at you.

"Pans, I'm still here, no need to shake my brain up!"

"Right, sorry. I forgot to tell you that you are obligated to write to me! And also, there's this one other thing," she seemed so serious as if you'd never see each other again.

"What thing?" you knew that she wanted something from you but you were not sure what.

"Remember that dress?"she asked and made somewhat of puppy eyes at you.

"The cute black one that you were looking for earlier today?"

"No, not that old thing! The one you wore to Slughorn's Christmas party!"

"What about it? Before you say anything- no you can't borrow it!" you sounded even more sceptical about this conversation than before.

"But... Okay, then change of plans! You have to take me to the muggle store that you were talking about, I need a dress and not any dress. A dress to impress!" she seemed so proud of that last expression.

"Sounds fair enough, I need presents for everyone anyway. Tomorrow?" you asked and an idea started shaping itself in your head, it was a good plan.

"You're the best!" Pansy cheered and beeped your nose.

"Off you go, Parkinson," you joked and waved at Pansy who rolled her eyes at you.

It was finally time to catch up with your parents, the quick conversation with Pansy had taken your mind off the fact that Potter, who you had just had a nonfriendly chat with, was still there.

"Hey!" you smiled at your mother and father, then turned to the Weasleys, " Hello." Awkward silence.

"Your mother already thought that you weren't on the train," you father laughed but it was clear that even he felt uncomfortable.

The Long Lost Friend [Draco x Reader] Prequel to The Long Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now