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"What's he like?" you asked while keeping up with Blaise on your way to the first class ever in Hogwarts. 

"Who? Slughorn?" 

"Yeah," you replied.

"No idea, he's a new teacher. Look, you've got nothing to worry about," he reassured you.

"I suck at potions, my freaking cauldron once exploded turning the class," you admitted.

"I wish I saw that," he said and opened the classroom door for you.

"What a gentleman, " you said and giggled. When you stepped into the classroom you froze, you had hoped to see a normal classroom with seats for two people, you had figured you'd sit fit Blaise because, since last night, he had been acting like he's be glued on to you. In the classroom, there were setups with cauldrons and ingredients for 4 people. Next to every setup there were a few people, so you had to choose who to join.

"Who do you want to...?" Blaise started but you cut him off.

"Like I'd know. It's up to you."

"Okay, then we'll go there," he pointed at Pansy and Draco who you hadn't even noticed earlier. You followed Blaise there and put your book on the table along with rest of the stuff. Blaise didn't have his book yet, so he went to get one. Then you noticed, that Pansy was staring at you like she was about to say something.

"I hope it's okay if I join you," you said quickly before she could open her mouth.

"Absolutely," Draco said almost immediately without looking in your direction.

"But I thought we were saving these seats for..." Pansy started but shut up when Draco shot a look at her.

"It's no problem for me to move, seriously," you said when Pansy shot a pissed look at you.

"You don't have to, it's fine," Draco reassured you and a small, almost undetectable smile crept onto his face when he finally lifted his eyes from the old Potions book in front of him. You wouldn't have even noticed it unless you wouldn't have been staring at him.

All the students were already gathered around an old looking cauldron when Harry and Ron stormed in. 

"Aaaa Harry my boy, I was beginning to worry! You brought someone with us I see," Slughorn said. 

"Ron Weasley, sir. I'm dead awful at potions. A menace, actually so. I'm probably just gonna..."

"Nonsense, we'll sort you out. Any friend of Harry's is a friend of mine," Slughorn seemed so happy with himself.

"Suddenly I don't like that professor that much, he seems like the sort of person who would steal your wallet and then help you look for it," you whispered to Blaise who let out a short but loud laugh.

"What's so funny Zabin?" Draco said from somewhere behind you.

"Y/N," he admitted matter of factly. When you decided to pay attention to the class again, Hermione was talking.

"This is Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them. For example, I smell... Freshly mown grass and new parchment and... Spearmint toothpaste," she seemed confused and a bit taken aback so you started wondering what did she really smell.

"Grass and toothpaste, I bet her mudblood nose can't even detect normal smells," Pansy said quite loudly, making sure that everyone heard her. 

"I wonder what it smells like for you then," you snapped back. It's the first day in a new school and you decide to bring out your bitch side, freaking genius, you though. You noticed that Hermione was smiling at you, it was a small smile but it made you feel good, after all, you did dislike Pansy from last night.

The Long Lost Friend [Draco x Reader] Prequel to The Long Lost HeirWhere stories live. Discover now