Slug gets drunk(ish)

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"Ready?" Blaise asked you while standing in front of the door that led to Slughorn's study.

"Oh please, I've done plenty of dinners like this. Don't act so nervous." It was true, with your father being who he is, it was common for you to attend all sorts of dinner parties.

"I haven't done anything like it," he admitted.

"You'll be fine, it's just him trying to make us like him so out parents or relatives would like him, it's obvious really," you rolled your eyes and saw two girls approaching, they were probably also heading to Slughorn's dinner.

"Probably," he said but didn't seem too sure about himself.

"Let's do this then, come on," you said and pulled him from his arm. He then opened the door for you and you walked in.

"Aaaah, Y/L/N and Zabini, we already thought that my owl had flown somewhere else," Slughorn greeted you.

"We weren't late, we're we?" It wasn't like you would have been waiting for an answer, it was more like stating a fact but politely. The sort of formal small-talk you had learned from your parents.

"Of course not, you two were right on time," he led you to the round table and you saw that he is expecting 4 more people after you two.

There were two empty places just next to Hermione and you decided to sit down next to her.

"Is this place free or are you saving it for someone?" you asked from her.

"Please, sit here!" she said it not in a polite way but more as she would be afraid that someone else might sit there and she didn't seem too happy about the idea.

"Okay then."

A few seconds later the Carrow twins and McLaggen arrived and Slughorn decided to get started, although someone was missing.

"I'm so glad that almost everyone could make it here in only a 2 days notice," Slughorn started, " don't be so shy, let's get started. The dishes are not going to eat themselves!" he let out a weird giggle that you had never heard anyone but him do.

He asked everyone how their school year is going and then started getting interested in who you all wanted to become. Soon it was your turn.

"So Y/N, tell me, where do you see yourself in some years? Perhaps working for the ministry, like your father?" Slughorn asked. If you wouldn't have had a better self-control you would have made a disapproving voice.

"Probably not. Of course, we might never know for sure, right?" you waited until he nodded," but as I think of myself in the future, I somehow don't see myself involved in the ministry work."

"Pitty, there are a lot of families that have worked for the ministry for generations, I believe the Y/L/N family has also been involved in the ministry business for a few hundred years," he told you.

"Yes, that's true. The Y/L/N's have also been in Ravenclaw almost as long as the family tree goes back, except for great-granduncle James Manifald Y/L/N, he was a Gryffindor, if I'm not mistaken. What I'm trying to say is that my family must be quite used to me choosing a different path already," you smiled.

"That is a bit harsh to say, don't you think?" he asked you.

"Oh but it's not a bad thing, at least I see it like that," you were getting annoyed by him.

"Absolutely, absolutely! "

"Enough about me, I'm sure I'm just boring everyone out of their minds here," you smiled at Slughorn and hoped that he'll understand that you were trying to drop the topic.

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