Chapter 3

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3rd POV
The rebels and the Jedi went to their only projector in the base, ready to discuss tactics.

"The Separatists have strength in numbers. We're gonna show you how to target and destroy them," Anakin told them. His making a fist as well.

"Now, to be clear, we are not here to fight your war; rather, to show you how to conduct it in the most efficient and successful way possible," Obi-wan stepped in. The rebels nodded.

"Captain Rex." Anakin presented. Rex walked to the projector.

"I'll show you how the 501st destroy clankers. First, I need volunteers to carry supplies from our entry point a half-klick west," Rex requested.

"Shouldn't be a problem." Saw replied, his arms crossed. Anakin and Obi-wan stayed and chatted for awhile.


"Lux, it's good to see you again," Ahsoka approached him.

"It's good to see you too, Ahsoka," Lux greeted. The rebels were dismissed and walked to the entry point, where training was about to begin.

"I didn't realize you had strong ties to Onderon."

"Onderon is my home. My mother represented it in the Senate," Lux expressed.

"Your voice is strong, like hers was," Steela joined their conversation.

"Have you reconsidered joining the Republic Senate?" Ahsoka asked.

"Even if we do take back Onderon, it won't change how I feel. I'm not fighting for the Republic," Lux restated.

"Well, what matters now is, we need each other's help, just like we did on Carlac."

"Carlac?" Steela stopped walked with them. "What happened on Carlac?"

Luz and Ahsoka turned around, "Ahsoka is the reason I'm here and not with Death Watch."

"Really?" Steela gave her a mad glare.

"What he means is--"

"She saved me from a huge mistake," he finished for her.

Luz tilted his head to Steela and walked away. Steela got closer to Ahsoka

"Hmm. Luz obviously thinks highly of you," Steela put her hands on her hips.

"I guess so," Ashoka agreed.

"Let's hope that respect is will founded." Both of them gave a deadly glare, and Steela stormed away. Ahsoka gave her a disgusted look when her back faced her.

"The pilot in the front hatch controls the tank, the shells, and the short-range blasters. The commander in the top hatch controls the turret and the main cannon. You have to take out both chambers. Otherwise, the tank will remain operational," Ahsoka informed them. Rex demonstrated how to take out the tank by throwing a bomb in the front hatch, then in the second hatch.

"Everyone, divide up into teams of two, and we'll practice an assault on both hatches," Anakin ordered. They followed, Lux and Saw were up first.

"I'll take the top," Lux said.

"Let's see what you're made of, Bonteri," Saw nudged him. Rex threw Saw and Lux a bomb and they were running to the tank. Lux climbed ontop but fell on Saw, making them tumble to the ground.

"Sorry about that." Lux gave him a hand. Saw slapped his hand away.

"You're a terrible solider, Bonteri." Saw got up on his own. Lux seemed hurt, he knew he was capable of doing much more than just politics.

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