Chapter 21

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(A few of you will enjoy this chapter 😉)

3rd POV
"Wait, how did R7 find you without a ship?" Ahsoka interrupted.

"Well, he woke up a few minutes after they took me. He got in one of the escape pods I think. Hyperdrived his way to me," Ezra answered.

"Hyperdrived isn't a word-"

"It doesn't matter."

Ahsoka rolled her eyes, sarcasticly, "What happened when R7 got to you?"

"Master Yoda suggested to reprogram him to serve for the Republic. But before they did that, they searched through his memory to see if they can figure out the identity of the Separatist leader. The Jedi Masters didn't find anything, so they rest him. Ever since R7 has been there for me," Ezra finished. Ahsoka was silent for a few minutes, not knowing what to say next.

"The fact that you were beginning to be trained as a Sith and made it to become a Jedi is impressive," Ahsoka rested her head on her hand.

"Hmh," he muffled a short laugh. Ezra looked at the time. "I guess. Well, I have to go now."

He got up from his chair and closethe books on the table.

"Where are you going?" Ahsoka asked. Her voice sounded sad rather then being normal.

"Senator Palpatine summoned me to his office. It's already time for me to meet with him. Besides, I'm sure you have something else than to talk to me or wait for me," Ezra began to walk away.

"Actually no, I don't," Ahsoka said. Ezra walked a bit slower. "I have to do some research anyways. I'll be here awhile. If you want, we can meet up again. Here."

Ezra turned the corner and poked his head out, "Sure. I can do that."

Then he left. Ahsoka dimpled as Ezra left. She had a weird feeling to her stomach, no, her heart. She didn't know what it was, it was a warm feeling though.

"I knew it," Anakin came from behind the shelves.


"I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! You do like Ezra," Anakin sat across from her. Ahsoka's eyes widened.

"First of all, stalker much? Second of all, no I don't," Ahsoka refused to believe.

"Ahsoka it's so obvious. The way you look at him. The way Ezra looks at you. Admit it, you two like each other," Anakin had an excited face.

"Master, we only met a few days ago. Don't you think it would take longer?"

"Does he make you smile?"




"Does he trust you?"

"I don't know," Ahsoka replied. Anakin rolled his eyes.

"Yes he does. He told you about his parents. It took Ezra more than a year to tell his friends about his past," Anakin told her. "Ahsoka, I'm your Master, you can tell me anything.

Ahsoka sighed. She had to admit it, maybe she did have feelings for him. But, does he?

"Fine, you win. I think I like Ezra," Ahsoka gave up. He laughed at her defeat.

"Ha. Well, I will let you to your 'studies.' Later, Snips," Anakin got up and walked away. She and went back to her book. Anakin turned his head a little bit.

"They are a defiant mach," he whispered and left the Archives.


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