Chapter 13

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3rd POV
"Steela," Lux approached her. He laid his hand on her shoulder. "Saw is strong, he'll be fine."

"He's always been brash. Never thinks. He doesn't realize, by leaving us, he's hurting us. We need a plan," Steela stopped leaning on the table. They were in a small storage area. "They'd bring King Dendup through the east entrance of Yolahn Square. Security will be tight. And rescuing him will.... will not be easy." She took a small breath. "Lux, please don't look at me like that."

Lux was making googly eyes at Steela, "Forgive me. I'm sorry. I-"

"Listen. I just need to be alone right now," Steela placed his hand in hers. "Gather everyone to go over the plan."

"Of course," Lux left the room.

"I sense fear in you, Ahsoka," Obi-wan noticed. Her and Ezra were talking to Anakin and Obi-wan through a hologram. Ahsoka was sitting on a crate while Ezra leaned against the wall behind her.

"The rebels are divided. If they try to rescue the king now, I'm afraid we might lose them," Ahsoka rested her head on her hand.

"We cannot control their fate," Obi-wan proclaimed.

"It's just, they're risking their lives to save one."

"Do not underestimate the king's power. He represents hope and is critical to their success." As Obi-wan said that Lux passed them. His hands were fists, looking mad about something. She rested her head on her hand again.

"I feel responsible for them," she admitted.

"I know you do, Snips, but remember, purpose must come before feelings,' Anakin crossed his arms.

"I know, Master."

"Step in only if must, but remember, if this experiment is to become an effective strategy, they must learn to survive on their own."

"Yes, Master Kenobi." Both of the replied.

"We understand," Ezra said.


Steela and the rebels went going over the plan. Ezra and Ahsoka watched from the doorway.

"Do any of you have question?" Steela asked.

"It's a risky plan, but it's our best shot," Lux mentioned. "Ahsoka, Ezra, will you join us?"

"We can't," Ahsoka looked the other way.

"We've already been more involved than the Council wanted. I'm afraid we've been instructed to sit this one out," Ezra informed them.

"They have Saw," the girl came running into the room. "He's alive, but I watched them take him away."

A moment of silence pasted and Lux stood up, "We have to save him."

The rebels shouted in agreement. They grabbed their blasters and larger weapons.

"No," Steela looked away. Her eyes full of hurt when she said the word. "We have to save King Dendup. We don't have time or the bodies to do both."

"He's your brother," Lux stated.

"That's what Saw would want, what he would expect. And I expect the same from everyone in this room."

"I know it's a hard choice, but I agree. Purpose must come before feelings," Ezra approved.


It was morning and the people of Iziz came to Yolahn Square. To see the execution of their real king. Droids and other bigger droids with an electrical staff. The rebels pushed themselves to the front of the crowd.

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