Chapter 15

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3rd POV
Steela got off her Ruping. Ezra, Ahsoka and Lux were on the top of the medium mountain, looking down below.

"The droid army is almost here. Everyone, get ready," Steela warned.

King Rash sent an army worth of droids. Along with tanks, convoys and much more. General Tandin's army and rebels were down on the ground. Ready to face the droids who have already arrived. They embraced themselves for war.

Once General Tandin saw other rebels come from out of the jungle. He stopped.

"Ready," he said.

"Saw, begin your attack," Steela ordered into her com. Saw and other rebels flew on the Rupings and over the army. They tossed the bombs down and kept doing so. The droids and the royal army started firing.

The battle has begun.

So far, none of the royal army has fallen but, the droids were. From above a rebel was shooting a cannon, taking out the B2 super droids. Black smoke was already rising from the ground up. Steela shot as many BX droids as she could.

In the air, Saw threw a bomb at the multi-transport. Yet, it only bombed the bottom back of it. The rebels behind him threw more, destroying not only the transport, but also the two tanks in front of it. Smoke has covered the sky but, not all of it.

However, when they thought they were winning, more trouble flew in. HMP droid gunships came firing right away. Not giving them a chance to think to escape their shot. HMP gunships shot a lot at the same time. A rebel controlling a cannon was shot dead.

"No!" Steela cried.

"Where did that come from?" Lux asked.

"There!" Ezra pointed to the sky. Lux and Steela shot at it, but it was no use. It had no affect on them.

"Any ideas?" Steela kept on shooting.

"Yeah. Run!" Ahsoka shouted.

They all ran from the spot. The HMP gunship made the whole rock they were standing on plummet to the ground. Steela and Ezra jumped onto her Ruping but, Steela hanged onto the creatures foot. Lux and Ahsoka got on his. The battle on the floor wasn't looking good either.

The gunships started shooting at them, too. The bolted when one hit behind them. Saw tried and attack it with an explosive but, with the shield on, it affected nothing. The gunship detected Saw, it shot him out of the air. Hitting the ground with a cloud of dirt. General Tandin came to the rescue and picked him up just in time before he was shot at.

"I take it the rebels have Dooku's full attention," Obi-wan noticed.

"It's a full-scale war. They need our help. Please talk to the Council," Ahsoka wined. Ezra and her were talking to Anakin and Obi-wan.

"Even now Master Windu would be wary at this point. The Council will not engage or involve the Republic in an internal affair," Obi-wan informed.

"The Separatists have a new gunship with a powerful ray hield. Nothing's getting past it," Ahsoka reported.

"I'm sorry, Ahsoka. They will have to find a way. Do not stay there if their failure is certain. Evacuate who you can and return to Coruscant immediately. Do you guys understand?"

"Yes, Master," they both said.


The war was getting worse. Both sides were falling in the same pace.

"Is the Republic going to help us?" Steela hurriedly asked.

"No," Ezra sadly responded.

"What's it going to take?" Lux didn't stop shooting.

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