Chapter 16

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3rd POV
Battle was still raging in the distance. Steela and Lux's Rupings landed next to a few rebels having a shoot out with droids. They walked over to Saw who was frustrated at the HMP.

"We've tried everything, but we're target practice to those gunships," Saw furiously yelled. He was ready to pull out his hair. At least that was less painful than losing the war. Steela and Lux handed the rocket launchers to them

"Now it's their turn," Lux smirked.

"Thank the Jedi," Steela said. Saw gripped the launcher. His eyes staring at it like if it was his pride and joy. "Saw!"

He ran to next to a few rocks and crouched. He aimed the rocket launcher to the gunship and fired. It seemed to have done little damage, but it exploded and crashed to the ground with a massive explosion. It was music to Saw's ears. It was to all.

He laughed, "I love this!"

The rebels and Jedi clapped and cheered.

"Distribute the rocket launchers and take out those gunships," Steela demanded.

"Steela, they're attacking the nest. They're after the king!" Steela's com went off.

"Come on!" Steela ran to the Ruping. Her and Ezra quickly flew to the camp. He would have stayed with Ahsoka and Lux but, Steela's Ruping is his only transportation.

"She sure leads by example," Ahsoka noted. Her hands on her hips.

"What good will that do us if she gets herself killed?" Lux said. He and Ahsoka sprinted to the Ruping.


At the base the HMP is firing in every direction. BX droids ontop of it. Once one rebel was left the BX droids jumped on the wooden floor.

"Steela, hurry! Steela, come in!" The female rebel cried into her com. Her worried face soon faded into pain when the droid shot her. "Ugh!"

"Where is the false king?" The droids hollow voice asked. She was kneeling in agony, holding her shoulder.

She looked up to a blaster at her head, "I'll never tell you!"

He fired the blaster and her helpless body fell to the hard wood.

"Find the king," the other BX droid ordered the gunship. It flew over them and shot at the entering of the cave. The guards retreated into the cave with the king. All coughing out the dirt cloud.

From the sky, Steela shot at the gunship and missed. The HMP focused it's fire at Ezra and her, but Steela and Erza barely dodged.

"Help has arrived!" A guard yelled. The two guards and King Dendup ran as fast at the could. The droids fired at them as they ran for safety.

Ezra and Steela jumped off the Ruping and let the gunship follow it. Steela landed on the top of a sheet and Ezra landed on the floor. She fired the rocket launcher at the HMP and finally took it down. The BX droids bolted at them and hopped on a tent and chased them.

Steela took out her sniper and shot at them. Ezra stayed behind and turned on his lightsaber while Ahsoka and Lux landed behind him. Him and Ahsoka cut the droids heads off and Lux blasted the droids.

The king's guard went down. As he ran desperately trying to get away from the droids, he got cornered. He was at the edge of a cliff. His last guard shot his spears electric bullet at the BX but, it did no use. Steela zoomed into the droids head killed it. Yet, it was not fast enough, the guard was killed as well.

For once, the air was calm. No blasters or explosives were heard. Steela trudged to him.

"Are you all right, Your Majesty?" Steela helped him up.

"Thanks to you," his hoarse voice replied.


"Fire!" Saw shouted. Two rebels shot the rocket launchers at the two remaining HMP's. Yet, only one went down. The other dodged it with a barrel-roll.

"Last one's mine," Saw fired his launcher. He hit it. Unfortunately, their luck didn't last long. The gunship glided through the air all the way over to where Steela and King Dendup were.

"Get down!" She pushed the king down. They dodged it by the skin of their teeth. (Is that how the saying goes?)

It roughly crashed onto the mountain and made Ezra, Ahsoka and Lux fly to the ground. The crash was so strong, it made the rock crack under Steela's and King Dendup's feet. She pushed the king to safety, the rock separated from the mountain. Steela jumped as far as she could, but was sliding off. She held on to dear life as her hands carried her weight by a small crease on the edge.

"Look!" A rebel pointed at Steela. Saw's eyes widened in fear and ran to her.

Lux carefully slide down the small slope the crack did. He went on his knees to check were Steela was, her hands were slipping. Lux layed on his stomach and stretched his hand as far as he could. He was inches away from her hand.

"Hang....on," Lux pleaded. He struggled on reaching her.

"Steela!" Saw cried. The sight of his younger sister dangling in mid air made his heart skip a beat. Lux grunted in trying to reach her. He was a finger tip away from her as he fell too. But, Ahsoka used the Force to lift him back to the sturdy ground.

"I'll handle this," Ezra got as close to the edge as possible. Getting a better view of where Steela as he commenced on lifting her off the crease. "I got you."

Steela stretched out her arm and tried to grab Ezra's hand. However, the gunship wasn't completely dead and aimed it's cannon at Ezra. He was about to touch Steela's hand when the HMP fired at Ezra. It got his shoulder, letting go of Steela. Steela screamed in fear and Ezra fell in pain. Lux rapidly shot the gunship's cannon.

By the time Ezra held his wound he realized he has let go of Steela. Ahsoka, Ezra and Lux rushed to the edge but, she fell to fast for Ashoka or Ezra to catch her. Lux shook his head in disbelief, they all saw Steela's lifeless body on the ground.

~I literally died/cried when that happened. The first time I was like 'No, no, no! This can't be happening!' What made it worse was that Steela's last words were "Get down!" Oh my gosh, I can't. I'm leaving now. Don't forget to vote and comment what you think 😉

Stay Sassy Like Obi-wan!

-ThatSassyPadawan =%=

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