Chapter 11

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3rd POV
"How did Ventress cause this?" Ahsoka asked. The scars didn't look infected nor deep. But they did seem to hurt, especially when it happened twice on the same place.

"Well, the ambush we fell into. Ventress killed almost all of them but, my friend and I were the last ones standing. I fought Ventress while she fought the droids but she fell. I turned away when she came at me," Ezra swallowed down his tears. Even though it wasn't his fault for their death, he was responsible for their safety.

"She actually got you?" Anakin interrupted his thoughts. "I thought you dodged her swing."

"Impossible, he was to close to her sabers to be able to avoid them," Obi-wan said.

"Wait, how did you know?"

"Your droid recorded the whole thing while you guys fought. Don't your remember telling him to hide and contact us?"

Ezra had to think for a bit, he remembered telling his droid to hide but, not recording the whole battle. Then shock hit his mind.

"Wait, R7-23 is alive?" Ezra asked, with excitment taking over his vocals. Obi-wan quickly nodded. "Yes!" He made a fist of happiness. "Well, if that's all we need to know I will go and get some rest. Until then, may the Force be with you."

Both of them nodded and watched as Ezra walked out of the room. Ahsoka was sitting on the small couch, waiting for them to say something.

"You should get some rest as well, Ahsoka. You have a long day ahead of you," Obi-wan suggested. She nodded but, stopped Anakin and Obi-wan from leaving

"Hold on," Ahsoka reached her hand out. "May I see what R7-23 recorded? I want to know what happened since everyone else seems to know."

Anakin nodded and talked into his com. She heard a faint droid beep and Obi-wan and Anakin disappeared. A frozen image if Felucia was waiting for her to press play. And she did.

"Who do you think sent the distress signal?" a dark toned male with brown hair and eyes asked.

"I don't know, that's why we are on our way to go check," a female with black hair replied.

"I bet it's ghosts who are going to possess our body," a boy with red and blue eyes whispered into the dark toned man.

"Cut it out, Fredrick," the guy swapped him away. They kept on walking to their destination, moving the large leaves out of the way.

Fredrick laughed, "Then you shouldn't have asked, Leo."

Leo glared at him. They laughed at their pointless behavior, except one.

"Can you guys cut it out?" Ezra looked back at them. His locks moving with the air. "We need to focus on our mission."

They sighed and rolled their eyes.

"Loosen up Ezra, just because you were choosen to be the leader, that doesn't mean you tell us what to do." Fredrick wrapped his arm around him. The other padawans couldn't look at him, his stupidness was to much for them to handle. Ezra slapped his arm off his shoulders.

"Actually it does, Fredrick. I was choosen by our Masters."

"That isn't fair though," the black haired Mirialan girl said. "I should have been leader."

"Reve, they didn't pick you because you are not fully trained for this part. You still don't have a Master to teach you," Ezra reasoned. Reve, Leo, Fredrick, Ezra and the two other padawans stopped walking. Turns out only three of them have a Master, the other four are still working on getting one. But with the war becoming more difficult, most Jedi didn't have time for a padawan. They continued walking yet, after awhile, they carried on their conversation.

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