Chapter 3 - Fish Sticks and Melted Chocolate

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I'm Going to Be A Mom... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 3 - Fish Sticks and Melted Chocolate

- Two weeks ago -

I was waiting for Dad to come home. I was currently sitting at the counter, tapping my fingers nervously, prepared to tell him the news. I figured that since I had told Mason, I might as well tell Dad too. It was the day after I had told Mason, and I had better get it done when Dad came home, or else I might never tell him.

I heard the keys in the lock, and Dad stepped through the door, bringing with him the cold February wind. He shivered, and dropped his briefcase on the floor. "Hi Jenna, how was your day?" he asked.

"Great Dad, how was yours?" I asked casually.

"Tough case. The other lawyer's really good," he said with a laugh. "It's quite the challenge, I like it."

"Well, of course," I said. "So what's for dinner?"

"I was thinking we'd order takeout, what do you think?" he said, brushing the black hair out of his green eyes. I got my looks from my father. My mother had died when I was 2, so I didn't really remember her.

"Yeah, sounds good. Is Chinese good with you?"

"Perfect. I'm going to go upstairs and get changed." He started walking up the stairs. My chance was disappearing fast.


Oh crap, there I'd gone and done it. He went back down a couple of steps and looked at me strangely.

"Yes Jenna, is there something wrong?" he said.

"Dad, please don't think you failed as a parent," I begged. "This was my fault entirely and I should have known please don't get mad at me Dad I'm pregnant," I said, all in one breath.

He frowned. "Say that again."

"I'm pregnant," I said three pitches higher.

He swore. "With whose baby?" he demanded.

"You promise not to kill him?" I asked.


"Then I'm not telling you."

"Is it-" he started.

"Dad, I'm not going to play guessing games," I interrupted. "If you promise not to kill the father, then I'll tell you. It wasn't just his fault, it was also mine."

"Fine, whatever," Dad growled. "Fuck, I can't believe you're pregnant. Jenna, why did you do this?"

"Dad, look, I didn't want a baby-"

"Then why'd you have sex?" he roared. "Was it even protected?"

"Yes," I whispered. "But the thing broke."

"Of course it did. It always does. Does the father know?" he asked. His eyes were bright with rage.

I nodded, looking away.

He shook his head and threw his hands up in the air. "Incredible. What teens do these days." He stormed up the stairs, slammed his bedroom door, and didn't come out again until the next morning.

- Now -

Dad was okay with the news now I guess, he had taken awhile to get used to it. Luckily he wasn't making me get an abortion - well I wouldn't have let him take my baby away anyways. So the only people who knew now were Emily, Dad, and Mason. I hadn't heard from Mason this whole time; I'd sent him a couple texts and missed calls but he hadn't answered. I was getting a little frustrated with his behaviour; Dad had only taken a couple of days to calm down, whereas he still didn't have the guts to talk to me.

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