Chapter 9 - I Don't Like the Hospital.

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Another filler... sorry!


I'm Going to Be A Mom... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 9 - I Don't Like the Hospital.

I rolled my eyes. "Is this really necessary? I'm fine."

"Ms. Holmes, you're not quite fine yet. Just a few more days, alright? Then you're free to go."

"But I've been here for almost a week. I feel fine!" I protested.

My doctor looked at me. "That's what all of my patients say."

My jaw tightened. I knew I had lost.

"Three more days. No more than that. I promise. Now, get some rest," she told me and left the room.

Damn doctor. Even though she helped me get better, she still made me annoyed. I had been in this stupid bed for 5 days, and I fricking wanted to get out. Dad would get me as many meals as he could, but he had to work, so most of the time I was stuck eating disgusting hospital food. (Except for their cheesecake. Their cheesecake was kind of yummy.) Emily and Isaac would visit me as much as they could, but they had to go to school and do homework. Still though, it was really sweet that they came to visit me.

I sighed and picked up the remote off of my table, turning the tv on to the cooking channel. I was bored to tears every day, and I'd asked Emily last night if she could bring me my laptop, but she hadn't answered my text yet. I guess she was busy. A couple of days ago I'd received a bouquet of lilies; they were from Ben, wishing me a "get well soon". It was sweet of him.

I needed someone to talk to, that wasn't Dad or Emily or Mason or one of the nurses... I needed someone else... so I picked up my phone and dialed the number of my aunt's cellphone.

"Hello-o?" said the sing-song voice on the other end.

My face lit up just from hearing her voice. "Hi Aunt Rosalie!"

"Heyyyy! Is this Jenna?" she asked cheerfully.

"Yeah it is," I said, smiling.

"Hey, how are you feeling, baby? Everything okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine, thanks. I just wanted to talk to someone. I get kind of lonely here." I gave a laugh. "But are you busy? If you are, I'll call back another time."

"Oh no no it's fine!" she exclaimed. "I'm just finishing up a painting, I'll put you on speakerphone." I heard shuffling and she said, "There. All good."

"Are you sure?" I said, concerned. "I'm not interrupting anything?"

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