Chapter 12 - Summer Breeze

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I'm Going to Be A Mom ... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 12 - Summer Breeze

I opened the window and the hot summer air wafted through my window. It smelled of grass, sunshine, and a brand-new day. I stuck my head out the window and blinked in the bright sunlight, unable to resist the urge to grin like an idiot. I saw two kids riding their bikes with their dad, and a lady jogged on the sidewalk, going the opposite way. It was 8 am and I was wide-awake, ready for a doctor's appointment and a shopping trip with Emily. It was early July and I'd been relaxing for over a month. It was simply amazing.

I went to the bathroom to wash my face and brush my teeth. I tied my hair up in a ponytail and assessed my reflection in the mirror. Good enough. I went to my room and pulled off my pyjamas, putting on some jean shorts that were two sizes bigger than I'd normally wear. I pulled out a t-shirt, but I noticed something before putting it on. I touched my belly button. There was a line going up and down my stomach. There were also marks on my thighs and butt, but I guess I wasn't too worried about that. My stomach was pretty huge now, like a watermelon, actually. I had 15 weeks to go I was due and I was really looking forward to holding my little baby. I put the t-shirt on and went downstairs to get some breakfast. 

"Gooooood morning beautiful," Dad said and kissed my forehead. "There are some waffles waiting in the oven for you. Here's your tea," he said, handing me a cup of jasmine tea. I absolutely loved it and much preferred it to coffee.

"Thanks Dad." I took a sip and leaned against the counter. I put my mug down and got the waffles out of the oven, taking one and putting it on a plate. Dad grabbed his laptop and was making his way to the back porch when he stopped at the door.

"Oh, Jenna. What are you planning on doing today?" he asked.

"Oh, um, just going to the obstetrician's for an ultrasound, then I'm going to go shopping with Emily. Why do you ask?" I poured maple syrup all over it and got some utensils.

"Oh, I was just wondering." He grabbed his glasses and went outside to work. “I’m going to work in a little bit and I won’t be back until late tonight. Don’t burn the house down, okay?”

“Okay Dad, see you later,” I said with a laugh. I dug into the waffles. Mmmmmm, these were really good. I had another half waffle before I got full and said goodbye to Dad because I had to go for my appointment. I took my purse and keys and phone and headed out.

Once in the office, I checked in with the lady and she told me to go have a seat. I sat next to a woman with two toddlers. She was maybe 8 months pregnant and looked about ready to explode. Either that baby was huge or she was expecting more than one baby. She smiled at me.

"Hi, are you here with somebody?" she asked nicely. “A sister or a friend?”

"No, I'm just here on my own," I said, returning the smile.

Immediately her expression turned to shock. She then frowned. "Another typical teenage pregnancy," she said in a disgusted voice. "You kids just can't keep your hands off each other, can you?"

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