Chapter 8 - Thank God I'm Alive.

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I'm Going To Be A Mom... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 8 - Thank God I'm Alive.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

What was that annoying noise?

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I tried to open my eyes but they stayed shut. They felt like lead. I took a breath in and almost cried out as my diaphragm contracted painfully. I tried to move my arm to touch the sore spot, and it also felt extremely heavy, but I managed to lift it in the air. As I brought it over to my stomach, I felt something holding it back. I tugged my arm, but it wouldn't budge - it was like it was attached to something.

Okay, Jenna, I told myself, you have to open your eyes now.

I tried as hard as I could, and managed to open my lids a little. It was bright and I quickly closed them again, not wanting to blind myself. I tried again. Little by little I got used to the light, and I was able to open my eyes fully.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I took in everything around me. I was in a bed, attached to a bunch of tubes and wires. There were two tables beside me, one with a glass of water beside it, the other holding some sort of complicated equipment. So that was where the beeping was coming from. There was a window to my right, where soft sunlight was spilling through. And then at the foot of my bed was a chair with someone in it. His dark brown hair was messy and all over the place, and his eyes had huge, purple circles under them. His head was slightly bent to the side and I could hear his deep breathing. I recognized the clothes he was wearing; I think I'd seen someone wearing them last night.

Why was I in a hospital? What happened last night? All I remember was... Oh yeah. Choking on popcorn and passing out. And now, Isaac was asleep in this hospital chair, in the same clothes as he'd worn last night. Had he slept overnight here?

I swallowed and I felt like my throat had gone on fire. My eyes watered and I started to cough. I reached for the water on the table - but I was too weak to get it. I reached as hard as I could, but I collapsed back on the bed, exhausted. I swallowed again and tried to fight back the tears. My throat felt as if it had been rubbed raw, and coughing just made it worse.

I saw a button on the beeping machine with a symbol of a nurse on it, so I pressed it. The red button lit up, and I lay my head down, closing my eyes. I felt like crap.

I heard footsteps and opened my eyes to see a nurse come in. "Hi Ms. Holmes, did you need anything?" she said pleasantly.

"Water," I tried to say, but it came out more as a croak.

She understood immediately and went to my bedside, picking up the water and bringing it to my lips. I gulped it down quickly, and ended up getting it down the wrong way. I choked a bit, but managed to clear my throat.

"Yes, you might want to drink a little slower. Here, take another sip." She offered the glass to me again.

I took a small sip and managed to not kill myself. I settled back into my pillow with a little smile. "Thanks," I said hoarsely.

"No problem! Call me if you need anything else." She put the glass down closer to me on the table and left the room.

I opened an eye and looked at Isaac, who was still asleep. I wanted him to wake up so I could talk to him and ask what had happened, but he looked so peaceful sleeping there that I didn't want to disturb him.

There was a crash from outside and his head whipped up, eyes wild. He looked around, panicked, until his eyes settled on me. There was a moment of silence. "Jenna," he said incredulously.

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