Chapter 18 - It's Time

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I'm Going to Be A Mom ... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 18 - It's Time


I woke up, stretching, pushing myself up with difficulty. I pulled the curtains aside, blinking in the sun’s bright glare, rubbing my face. It was light outside, but worry twisted itself in my stomach again.

It was a beautiful Tuesday morning. It was cold outside, but the sun was shining through the almost-bare trees, making the morning frost sparkle. I loved clear, cold weather, but I couldn’t concentrate on the beauty of the day when my thoughts were full of nervousness and worry. I put on my underwear and bra, wincing at how heavy and tender my breasts were. I’d learned in my mommy prep classes that they were filling up with milk, because that was what the baby was going to be drinking for the next few months. I’d decided I’d breastfeed, because it was natural and healthy. Plus, I was dying to get my aching boobs back to normal. (Isaac might object, seeing as he liked the plus size.)

I got on a comfortable gray sweater and stretchy pants, and the fuzziest pair of socks I owned, then brushed my hair, teeth, and washed my face - the usual. I made my way downstairs and saw Dad at the island, drinking his coffee and looking at his laptop. He saw me and he gave a small smile.

“Good morning, sweetie. How are you feeling?” He got off the stool and made his way over to hug me.

“Just… worried. Still worried.” I buried my head in his shoulder.

“Jenna, there’s nothing to worry about. I know you were supposed to go into labor two days ago, but that’s perfectly normal. He’s not sick, or anything. You heard the doctor,” he reminded me. “He’s perfectly healthy; he just doesn’t want to come out yet. You’ll have a regular birth. Don’t worry,” he said, looking into my eyes. “He’s coming.”

I sighed. “Okay.” I let go of Dad and went to the stove to put on some tea.

“Your tea’s in the microwave, I already made it. Might want to warm it up again, though.”

“Oh! Okay. Thanks Dad.” I set the microwave to thirty seconds, pressed start, then looked out the window. “What should I do today?” I asked.

He shrugged. “I dunno. Normal things - reading a book, taking a walk, hanging out with Isaac or Emily. It’s up to you, sweetheart,” he told me. “I have to go get some groceries now, so I can make us some breakfast.” He kissed my head again and made his way to the front hall, slipping on his winter coat. “See you later Jen.”

“Bye Dad.” I gripped the warm tea mug, inhaling the comforting scent.

Two days ago, I’d woken up at five am, excited and nervous, because it was my due date to have my baby. Dad had taken me to the hospital, but the doctor who inspected me told me the baby wasn’t ready to come out yet. Maybe the next day, or in the next couple of days. Her news disappointed me, but at the same time relieved me; even though I had learned about all the steps of giving birth, I was still scared of the pain. But I desperately wanted to meet the little baby that had been growing inside of me for the past nine months.

So for the last 48 hours, stress and worry invaded my mind. I knew this wasn’t healthy for the baby - maybe my mood was stopping him from coming out. I knew I had to do something to calm me down.

So I went upstairs to the second guest bedroom, and knocked on the door. “Come in,” came Aunt Rosalie’s voice.

I opened the door softly. “Hi, am I disturbing anything…?” I asked.

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