Chapter 15 - He Loves Me... HE LOVES ME?!

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I'm Going to Be A Mom ... At 17?! 

(A Teen Pregnancy Story) Chapter 15 - He Loves Me... HE LOVES ME?!

"Are you SURE you don't want to come?" Emily stood in the doorway, her hand poised on the doorknob. 

"Yeah, I'm sure. I'm not feeling too good anyways. Plus, I can't drink," I told her.

"Please, Jenna... it won't be any fun without you. Please come? The dinner will be REALLY good," she begged. "I promise we'll grab a taxi as soon as you wanna go." 

I sighed. I was feeling really lazy and a bit tired from the time change. My internal clock was totally messed up. 

But I was kind of hungry. 

"Okay then. Come help me up." She ran from the doorway and grabbed my hands, launching me upwards from the bed. As I waited for the extreme dizziness to pass, Emily was frantically shuffling through my drawers. She threw a pile of clothes at me and yelled, "Get dressed!" 

I picked up the bra and raised an eyebrow. "Uh, why did you give me your lacy bra, Em?" 

"Just put it on! We don't have a lot of time!" she called from the bathroom. I heard clinks and shuffling. "Where's your mascara?! Nevermind, I'll get mine." 

I frowned at the clothes, but took off my pyjamas anyway. Emily's bra, I realized, was a C (I needed a C in pregnancy size) and it was push-up, so it made me look like the Cleavage Queen. 

"Em, this is too small!" I grumbled. "Why can't I wear my own?" 

"That's the point!" She came out of the bathroom, armed with makeup. "Why aren't you dressed yet?" She huffed and dumped everything on the desk. "Fine then, you leave me no choice but to dress you myself." 

When she was done with me, I looked in the mirror and my mouth fell open. 

"I... I..." I stuttered. 

"Look like the sexiest pregnant momma on the planet," she finished for me. "I must admit, I did a pretty fantastic job." She beamed. 

"Yeah you did," I said breathlessly. There I stood, in a simple black dress that stopped above my knees. It made me look pregnant in a sexy way. I was wearing silver hoop earrings, and my hair was in a ponytail. The makeup was totally natural and gave me a healthy glow. I don't know how she'd done it, but I certainly was a sexy pregnant momma. 

"Oh my gosh, we have to go!" Emily grabbed her purse, and started towards the door; I followed suit, and we took the elevator downstairs.

It was almost exactly like the night us four had gone on the double-date. The boys were in evening clothes, looking extremely elegant. Isaac's eyes were warmer and browner and absoutely beautiful, and his wavy hair was messy in all the right places. My heartbeat picked up and I flushed. He smiled, and I pretty much died inside.

Em walked up to Ben. He wrapped an around her waist and they locked lips. If I had been ignorant of what had happened between Emily and Mr. Walker, I would've found this cute; but watching them kiss made my insides squirm uncomfortably. Ben still had no clue.

"You look nice," Isaac said wiht a smile.

"Thanks." I blushed again. I found myself looking at his soft lips, wanting to kiss him so badly, but quickly looked down and cleared my throat.

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