Chapter 11 - Prom Night

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I'm Going to Be A Mom ... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 11 - Prom Night

Dad twirled me around with one hand. I stopped, and he looked at me, his eyes soft. 

"Jenna, you look absolutely stunning," he told me. "You're so beautiful."

"Thanks Dad," I said, smiling softly. I looked down at my flowing midnight blue dress. It had taken me three weeks to find the right dress to A) hide my swelling belly, B) look good on me and C) fit right. It was quite the challenge, believe me.

"Wow, I just... I can't believe how grown up you are. Jenna... I want to say this while I get the chance. I really am proud of you, sweetheart. You're a wonderful daughter." He wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I pressed my cheek against his shoulder, closing my eyes.

"I love you Dad."

"I love you too, Jenna. Now get going, you don't want to be late."

I pulled away and smiled at him. As if on cue, the doorbell rang, and Dad opened the door. The ringer stepped in.

There he stood, tall and elegant in his black tuxedo. His hair was wavy and his eyes were sparkling. My heart started beating very fast and I blushed.

Isaac took my hand and led me to the door. I said good-bye to Dad and we walked down the porch steps, me now holding Isaac's arm. He opened the door for me with a British-sounding, "Madaaaame."

I laughed and replied, "Why thank you, monsieur." I lifted up the back of my dress as I got in and buckled my seatbelt. He got in as well and we left my house, making our way to the Hilton, where prom was being held.

I'd graduated two days ago, alongside Emily and Isaac. I hadn't gotten any special awards or scholarships, but I was totally okay with that. As long as I'd finished high school, I was happy and so was Dad. We had enough money to send me to a good university when I was ready, and Dad told me to take as long as I needed before I felt ready to go to university.

Isaac knew I had no one to go with to prom, and he'd given me a rose and asked me. Just to make sure, I clarified it: just as friends. He agreed with a smile, telling me that that was his intention. I was very grateful and happy.

We pulled into the busy parking lot and one of the teachers offered to park the car. Isaac gave him the keys and he helped me out, leading me towards the revolving doors where the excitement would begin. I took his arm and gave him a smile. He winked and led me inside.

Couples were everywhere, chatting and laughing and dancing. I saw Emily and Ben and I led Isaac over, and we hugged and complimented each other. Emily's dark green dress really brought out her eyes, and Ben looked sharp in his suit. We went along, talking with other people there, and Isaac held my arm the whole time.

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