Chapter 5 - A Scared Little Boy

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I'm Going to Be A Mom... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 5 - A Scared Little Boy

"Okay Dad. Right here. Thanks," I said, opening the car door. "See you later."

"Bye Jen. Am I picking you up?" he asked.

"I think Isaac's giving me a ride. Bye Dad!"

"Bye sweetheart." I closed the door and he drove away.

I walked up the crowded school steps and into the school, sighing as the warm air blasted me on all sides. I walked down the hall to my locker and said hi to some people. I saw Mason's group of jocks rounding a corner, but I wasn't able to catch a glimpse of Mason.

I put my stuff away, worried. I knew that my baby would come in the fall, and by then, I'd be very pregnant.... but I would have graduated so no one would know. I could probably hide my stomach until the end of school. But what about end-of-year exams? I couldn't go 2 hours without peeing. I had to talk this through with Dad.

I closed my locker, swinging my knapsack over my shoulder then walking to my first class, biology. Great. A boring start to a boring day.

The day passed, surprisingly quickly, and Isaac drove me home. I said bye, and went into the house. Dad was home, clicking away on his computer.

"Hey Jenna. How was your day?" he asked.

"Normal. How was yours?" I said casually, taking an apple out of the fridge.

"It was good. I was home working the whole day, and got a lot done. I was thinking, since I have time, I'd make spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. You up for it?" he said with a twinkle in his eye.

"Yes!" I practically screamed. Dad made the most delicious spaghetti and meatballs I'd ever tasted every 2 months or so, and I lived for the days I got to eat it.

He laughed. "Alrighty then. I have a bit more work to do, but then I can get started. Can you check if we have everything?"

"Sure." I walked over to the fridge, looking for the ingredients. "Hmmm... We're missing basil and parmesan," I told him.

"Okay. Do you mind going to the store to get some?"

"Sure thing, I'll go right now. See you soon!" I grabbed my purse and set out the door.

I hopped in the car, humming a tune, and tapped the steering wheel to the beat. I came to the parking lot a couple of minutes later, and entered the supermarket. I headed through the aisles, tempted by a lot, but I kept telling myself that I really needed something - with a sigh, I realized it was one of my cravings again.

I didn't know what exactly I was looking for, so after I got the basil and parmesan, I wandered through the entire store.

"Bingo!" I murmured, opening a door and taking out a tub of peppermint ice cream. I put that in my basket and headed to the cash.

Once everything was paid for, I went back into the miserable weather and into my car, cranking up the heat. I drove along the road, still humming my song. I didn't have a fantastic singing voice; it was sort of quiet, good for lullabies. But I loved to sing. Once again I imagined cradling my baby in my arms, humming him or her a lullaby...

"Holy shit!" I screamed, swerving out of the way as some crazy driver sped down the middle of the road. I honked several times. "Crazy bastard. That was scary." I let out a deep breath and tried to calm my racing heart.

My phone went off, so I dug my hand around in my purse until I found it. Caller ID: Emily. I hit the answer button and put her on speakerphone.

"Hey Em, I'm driving, is there-"

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