Chapter 16 - Under The Willow Tree

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I'm Going To Be A Mom ... At 17?! (A Teen Pregnancy Story)

Chapter 16 - Under The Willow Tree

"Dad! I'M HOME!" I dumped my stuff on the ground, closed the door, and went to the kitchen. "Hello? Dad?" I looked around.

"Jenna!" I turned around and saw him coming down the stairs. He walked over and hugged me. "Ohh sweetie. I'm so glad to have you back." He kissed my head. I stayed there, hugging my warm, comforting father.

"Did you miss me at all?" he said in a joking tone. "Or did you forget this soon-to-be-grandpa?"

I laughed and pulled away. "Of course I missed you. Oh my gosh, Paris was AMAZING!"

He laughed and walked over to the stove. "I'm all ears." He filled the kettle with water and plugged it in. Tea was my favourite thing nowadays.

So I told him all about it, except for our last night there, when I'd heard the shocking confessions of Emily and Isaac. We'd left for the airport the next morning, and no one felt like talking with major hangovers. I was glad. And now, I was back home. I was so happy.

"Sounds like you had a great time," he said, setting my mug in front of me. "I'm glad I chose to let you go. Any trouble with the baby?" he said, concern crossing his features.

"Nah." I waved my hand. "It was much easier than I thought it would be."

"Okay. That's good." We both sipped our teas.

"So what have you been doing for the past two weeks?" I said.

My dad shrugged. "Work. Hanging with some friends from the firm. Had a good case a couple days ago. Basically, the usual," he said with a twinkle in his eyes.

I chuckled. "That's good." I yawned, and it dawned on me that I was extremely tired. "I think I'm gonna go to bed. Night Dad."

"Good afternoon sweetie," he said with a wink. "Sleep well."

I went to the stairs, took one look at them, and sighed in despair. Getting up stairs slowly made me so exhausted. But I grabbed the banister determinedly and started up.

By the end, I felt like collapsing, but I made my way to my room and took off my shirt and shorts. Before I took out a pair of pyjamas, though, I took a look at myself in the full length mirror.

A girl with a pale face, bright green eyes, and long black hair looked at me. Her body was of average hight, but the huge, rounded belly and swollen breasts made her look like a monster. I didn't belong in this body. I looked like a freak. My eyes filled with tears and everything went blurry. Why did I ever do this? Hot tears slid down my cheeks. It looked so wrong. Now I saw what people saw when they looked at me. I looked away from the mirror, put on my pj's, and crawled into bed, so confused as to why I felt like this.


Hey. Are you doing anything atm?

I frowned. No, I texted back, what's up?

Nm. Do you want to go for a walk?

Okay, sure... Where?

You'll see. Be over in 10, he answered.

I stared at my phone, then raced up the stairs at the speed of a turtle and went to my room to put something nice on.


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