What an @ss

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"ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS!" I heard Taylor yell as she burst through my door.

I sighed, "What?!"

"YOU LEFT ME BITCH!" she continued to yell and it was starting to piss me off.

"I was ready to go." I said bluntly while putting the covers over my head.

She pulled the covers completely off the bed, "YOU COULD HAVE SAID SOMETHING!"

I need a drink!

I sat up looking at her with an unbothered face when in reality I wanted to kick her in the face. "Look calm yourself down and get some drinks."

She rolled her eyes, "Your such a bitch Leilani!"

I chuckled as she went to the kitchen doing what I told her to. She came back with a fat bottle of henny, "I love you too."

She gulped down what was in her cup while I drank from the bottle. It felt good as it rushed down my throat.

"That really was some fucked up shit Lani. .. What made you leave? And what happened to your hand?" she said while looking at my wrapped hand.

I looked at it and shrugged before drinking more, "Some ass said something stupid so I cut my hand and put my blood on his white suit."

She started laughing, "Really?!"

I chuckled, "Yup I hope it was expensive too," I drank more now feeling a little buzzed.

"That still doesn't mean leave me, I had to sleep with Jeremy."

I looked at her crazy, "Your saying it like Jeremy ain't fuckable "

"He is VERY fuckable! I'm talking about literally sleep in his bed with him, he said he doesn't want to 'Rush' what we have," she said while rolling her eyes.

That's kinda sweet.

"What's wrong with him waiting for the right moment to fuck your lights out?" I chuckled as she hit my arm.

"Not funny! I didn't get with him for 'Love' I just want sex," she groaned.

I rolled my eyes, I should be the only one sexually frustrated! I got my ''Lovin' every night 😏

"Whatever! I think you want him to be your man your just scared to get hurt," I said while drinking more.

"Your drunk," she said while walking out.

"No I'm Not!" I laughed.

Well maybe a little buzzed but definitely not drunk!

I drank a little more while laying back and going to sleep.


I finally woke up with a splitting head ache. I groaned while sitting up. When I looked over and saw the nearly empty bottle of henny I knew why my head was hurting. I checked my phone looking at my calendar to see if I work today. I was always taught to use my calendar as a schedule it actually helps me. When I noticed I was off I laid back down.

"What should I do today?" I asked myself.

I looked at the window seeing how beautiful it looked outside.

Maybe I could go for a run.

I got up doing my hygiene thing, and threw my hair in a ponytail. I looked in my closet to pick out a lime green sports bra, some black yoga pants, and some old running shoes I had. After getting dressed i grabbed my phone and earphones. I ran as my song By Chance by Rae Shummurd played.

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