Catching Up?

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Episode 2 continues as Jiriaya tells Kakashi about the Akatsuki's movements. This happens before Kakashi goes to the training ground to fight Naruto and Sakura.
   The more Jiriaya told him about the Akatsuki, the more Kakashi worried about  Naruto. Kakashi knew he'd do anything to protect Naruto and Jiriaya would to. However, are they really enough to protect him. The village still isn't so fond of him. They don't hate him like they once did, but there hate for the nine tails will always be there. Kakashi kept a stern face as Jiriaya continued speaking to him, but deep down he was just being tortured with worry.
Episode 2 continues and Kakashi has arrived to fight Naruto and Sakura on the training grounds.
   Naruto felt nostalgic. The training grounds only brought back memories of Sasuke... Sasuke...
Episode 3 begins with the fight. Episode 4 continues.
   Kakashi kept getting impressed by Naruto. Not only has his height increased but also his skill. Then came Sakura. She had an ridiculous amount of strength that shocked both Naruto and Kakashi. As the battle progressed, Kakashi decided he wouldn't go easy on Naruto. Just because he liked Naruto, didn't mean he was going to get his life served to him on a silver platter. Nope. Kakashi wanted to see how much Naruto has improved. After doing Rock Lee's move on shadow clones, Naruto ran out to do "secret finger jutsu" a thousand years of death. Kakashi jumped up as he recalled doing that move to Naruto's ass. He laughed mentally, Naruto's ass really did belong to him. In some way he had already penetrated him.
^.^ episode continues and fight ends as Naruto tricks Kakashi and then Tsunade tells them they are team Kakashi as equals
   Kakashi kept hoping that by saying they are equals and are no longer teacher and students that Naruto would get a hint. Their relationship wouldn't be viewed as bad anymore. Naruto has grown, his status as a ninja has changed. Their relationship wouldn't be as insane. Even if Naruto were still uncomfortable, Kakashi would let it be a secret. After all, he just wanted to know that Naruto was his.
Episode 5
   "Well, but I'm still pretty young you see," Kakashi said as he kept "reading" as they walked, " the other day I developed an incredible new jutsu and it's pretty incredible you see..." Kakashi just kept laying down the foundation. He wanted Naruto to see that he would be an exceptional partner. Instead Naruto just realized he was hungry and ran off with Sakura.
   Kakashi was left behind feeling pretty shity as he thought, "They used to be so cute and react to everything I'd say." Just as that thought ended Jiriaya appeared beside him. "Just as promised, I leave Naruto in your care." With a few more words, Jiriaya was gone.
Episode 5 ends as Kakashi leaves not wanting to pay for the kids ramen. Also needing time to figure out other things...
   Once again, Kakashi couldn't figure out how exactly to face Naruto. So he decided on something easier, running away. Then it hit him, he just left Sakura and Naruto alone. He mentally slapped himself.
   Kakashi was happy that he was good at what you can describe as stalking. He noticed that Sakura was walking away as Naruto opened his wallet. Kakashi smirked to himself, so he didn't have enough money. Bye Sakura. Now knowing Naruto was going to eat ramen on his own, he contemplated on whether he should join him or not. He watched the boy walking towards the stand and decided he'd go after him. Kakashi appeared from behind the building where he was watching the boy and was about to head towards Naruto when Iruka ran towards him. Kakashi felt dread. Maybe he wasn't meant to speak with Naruto about their relationship that day.
   Kakashi headed home and when he arrived he read through the book Make-out tactics. It was an incredible book, but what interested him more was the note at the end of the book. "I knew before I even arrived that'd you'd want to talk. Let's just act normal in front of everyone. You are my sensei. I look up to you. Always have and always will. Give me some time. I know we will talk -Naruto". Kakashi looked outside the window and just kept thinking about the boy. Till he realized it was morning, he got no sleep, and hadn't even done the unit report he was supposed to have done already. Let's see how it goes for Kakashi being on the same team as Naruto.

This chapter was all over the place, and for that, I apologize. I need to make everything flow. I promise everything will escalate sooner than later.

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