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Kakashi's POV
   As I carried Naruto on my back, he kept nagging that he wants ramen. I noticed the immediate glances from the villagers. I wasn't bugged by their stares, but what annoyed me was the hate on some of their faces; it was all directed at Naruto.
   A lot of them hate Naruto, and it enrages me. If only they could've seen him today, they'd admire him as much as I do.
   I felt Naruto shift a bit as he tried to get off my back, "Kakashi... They're watching us... I can walk home."  "Naruto, I know your exhausted and hungry. How about I carry you to my house and I cook you something to eat." It was in that instance that Naruto stopped trying to escape my grip. "You'd cook for me?" "Of course Naruto." His body relaxed against mine, and without looking at him I knew he was smiling.
   Why can't everyone see how beautiful his smile is?
   As we almost arrived to my house, I could hear Naruto's breathing change pace; he was asleep. I wasn't surprised; he trained very hard. I tried reading as he trained, but I was instead mesmerized by his will to continue training with passion. He tries his best in everything he does. It really is amazing to watch. All his shadow clones are replicas of his unbelievable drive to improve his skills.
   Once in front of my door, I unlocked it without waking Naruto. I placed the sleeping boy on the couch, and as I was about to walk away, I heard Naruto mutter something in his sleep. I immediately didn't comprehend his words until I heard him say it again, "Kakashi... Don't leave me."
   The boys words made my heart clench as I realized how vulnerable Naruto really is. His past was just as bad as mine. He grew up an orphan. Although, he never got to know his father, Minato-Sensei. 
   I turned my head to Naruto and continued realizing how much we needed each other. Unlike me, he never knew how it felt to have a father. Besides that everyone once hated him...
   I ran my finger against his cheek as I continued thinking. He eventually got into a team, and his best friend left him. While I lost mine, his was worse. He couldn't stop him from leaving. In a way, Sasuke also died. He did everything to get him back, and what Sasuke did in return was disgusting.
   A single tear slipped from my face onto Naruto's face. Naruto always deserved better. He looked peaceful asleep. The painful memories of his past couldn't reach him.
   In that moment I made up my mind, I would do everything to make him forget the loneliness he once felt. I'd stand by his side no matter what he faces. I'd be there until he reaches his goal and becomes hokage. I believe in him, and I will always choose the best for Naruto. I will live for him, and together we will rise from the darkness that encases our hearts.
   I lean down and kiss Naruto's head. Naruto is my light. He is the one that can change my view of the world. He will remind me that it isn't just filled with pain and misery. He will make me understand how he smiles so perfectly after everything he has faced... He will guide me through everyday life and will teach me how to smile after everything I've gone through, after all the deaths I've faced, after all the bodies I've walked over. He has the power to do it all because he has become my all.
   Naruto's eyes flickered open as I looked down on him. "Kakashi? What's wrong?" His voice showed his confusion, and I didn't know how to respond until I just told him, "This might seem to straight forward, but... I..." I can't say it. I can't tell him how much he means to me. What if he becomes overwhelmed?
   "I am completely unsure if you'll like my cooking..." I let my voice trail and I could tell he knew this wasn't what was on my mind, yet he smiled kindly and responded, "Kakashi if you cook for me I'm sure I'll love it. Believe it!"
   I gave Naruto and eye smile and headed to my kitchen, "It'll be out in a few..."
   After I set up the meal, I helped Naruto to the table. He seemed already stronger, I'm sure it was thanks to the Nine Tails residing within him.
   "Kakashi thanks for the meal!" I watched Naruto dig into the udon, and I smiled as I removed my mask. With his mouth full of food, a bright smile was on his face. After he swallowed, he complimented my cooking, "Kakashi, I didn't know home cooking was this good!" His words caused a low ping to my heart... He never really had homemade meals...
   I recalled when the previous hokage too me to his home and all there was was just instant ramen. "You can come over wherever you want Naruto."
   Within a few minutes, Naruto finished his meal and he smiled satisfyingly. I on the other hand was just almost half way through the meal.
   "Umm Kakashi..." I looked up and could tell he had a lot on his mind. "I... I dreamt that you died. I completely lost control when I found out. The nine tails took over and went on a rampage. I destroyed Konoha." I smiled a bit as he just looked down at the empty plate, "Naruto don't worry. I'll try my best to stay by your side, all the way till you become hokage." The sadness on his face disappeared almost instantly, and I smiled more. Yet even then, I couldn't tell him how he is my all.

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