Count Down Set

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   As Kakashi arrived in front of the Hokage tower window, he mentally braced himself for the wrath of the slug princess herself. Everyone in the village knows that both Jiraiya and Lady Tsunade have Naruto under their wing. In their view, he probably still is the twelve year old who dreams of becoming hokage. They know he has grown, but it slips their minds that he is a young adult. Or maybe, Kakashi just convinced himself of that so their relationship isn't wrong.
Kakashi POV
   I finally decided it was time to enter. Never had I felt this nervous. My confession to Naruto was simple. I was either going to get lucky or not. It can be seen the same here, but this time I had a lot to lose. I finally have him; I won't let him go.
   As I slipped in, Tsunade looked up from the scroll she had in her hand. "You never come in normally do you," I tried to read the tone of her voice, but failed to concentrate. Anxiety was winning over my senses. "I am sorry to have disappointed you." I stated this blandly as I waited for my misery to arrive quickly.
   "Kakashi, what are you talking about," she said clearly perplexed as she removed her glasses. Jiraiya must be taking his precious time on purpose so she can hear this from me. Great. "I am seeing someone." Being curt, seemed the safe route at the moment. "Congrats... I don't see why I'd be disappointed." I scratched the back of my head as I chose my words wisely, "I guess being straight forward is going to be easier. I am seein-"
   Shizune came in with a stride and rice balls in hand. "Sorry to interrupt, I didn't see you walk in Kakashi." "Shizune thank you for the food, but please take your leave Kakashi and I were discussing something personal." I stayed quiet for a moment and realized maybe Shizune could help me. Just maybe, she'd be on my side. "It's alright, she can stay. What I was saying is that I am seeing Naruto." Shizune gave me a confused look as if I didn't finish my sentence.
   Tsunade on the other hand tapped her fingers harshly against the table. "How do you expect me to handle this Kakashi?" Her voice was strong, and I feared that my relationship with Naruto was going to be denied. "I need him," when those words slipped out of my mouth, the context of my words finally reached Shizune and she immediately turned to face Tsunade. "This is terribly irresponsible of you. I would've never expected this from you." She stood up from her seat and my instincts willed me to step back; however, I stood my ground. Maybe I could use her words to my advantage.
   "I know this is unexpected, but my feelings for Naruto were sudden. I have never cared for anyone more in my entire life." She looked at me fiercely as she demanded to know how long we were together. "It's been a few days. I promised Naruto I would keep our relationship a secret." Tsunade looked insanely angry. Shizune chimed in then, "Lady Tsunade try to understand that a promise is dear. Betraying someone's trust is a horrible thing to do."
   "Shizune leave." "But-" "Get out." "Yes, of course." Shizune gave me a worried glance as she walked out the door. "He is underage Kakashi!" "By one year, and he has grown so much. You should know that I would never hurt him. My only intention is to help him grow." "Your job was to help him grow from the sidelines." Tsunade grabbed a book from her desk and threw it against a wall. This entire building could be destroyed so easily with her bare hands.
   Naruto came in then, bursting through the door. "Baa chan, please. I love him." "The age gap is immense. He's taking advantage of you." I stayed quiet as Naruto continued screaming. "We are talking about Kakashi here. He has only taught me things about keeping friends close. He has never done anything to let you down." Naruto kept going on and on and Tsunade looked extremely done.
   I could feel Jiraiya's presence and maybe he was waiting for some steam to blow off. He has never liked hassles. "Kakashi, Naruto, you will give me three days to decide what is going to be." "If you say I can't see him I'll leave the village. I'll hand someone else the power of the-" "Naruto stop. You are addressing the Hokage." Naruto looked saddened by my words, but he was playing with fire. "Naruto you will do as I say if not I will cage you up as nothing more than the vessel of the Nine Tails." By the look in Naruto's eyes, I could tell that her wordsdid more damage than he deserved.
   Jiraiya finally came in through the window I had entered through. "Say Tsunade that was too much." Jiraiya looked at both of us with a dismissing look and as we both turned to leave, Tsunade spoke,"you two must say your goodbyes. You cannot see each other until I make my decision. I will have Anbu watching both of you."
   We both walked out with a sigh, this went the way I imagined it would which didn't make me happy. As we stood in the hallway, it was as if I could see the raw wound Tsunade left Naruto with. "You are much more than just the nine tails. She was just confused." Naruto balled his fists, "How could she talk about you that way? You have always done everything for this village." Tears formed in his eyes from all the overwhelming emotions. As a single tear slipped out, I wiped it away with a finger. The feeling of Naruto's skin was enough to make me embrace him. "I'll stay by your side." Naruto buried his head at the crook of my neck. "I love you," as the words escaped my lips I felt tears stain my shoulder.
Third Person POV
  Sakura turned the corner of the Hokage tower to be shocked. Naruto was being held in Kakashi's arms in a way that didn't seem just friendly. Sakura ducked in her spot as she continued watching the two. She watched as Naruto lifted his head from where it rested on Kakashi's shoulder. She watched as Kakashi peeled the mask off his face and lowered his head. She watched as they both locked lips.
   Sakura felt the blood rush to her head. This was a lot to take in. First of all, Kakashi and Naruto are way too close. Second of all, she finally saw Kakashi's face. Third of all, his face was beautiful. Fourth, Naruto and Kakashi kissed. She felt her face redden as she sat there in shock. Since when have things such as this been going on. Sakura felt clueless.
   Meanwhile Jiraiya and Tsunade were discussing Naruto and Kakashi's relationship. "Why did I not know this sooner?" "I wanted to make sure that my suspicions were correct. This is something that I could not mistake." Tsunade slammed her hands onto the desk, "This is why it should not have happened. Kakashi is Naruto's mentor such as yourself. How could he let his feelings get that far?" "He is happy with Naruto. Even you should know how dark Kakashi's past was. We both know that Naruto is practically a ray of sun." Tsunade still didn't look pleased. "I gave them my blessing." "Kakashi is extremely older than Naruto, how dare you?" "They need each other. I see that and I will not separate them. I hope you know what you're doing?" Tsunade looked at the white haired man annoyed. At the same time, she chose to believe that she would reach the right decision.
   Jiraiya walked out of the room to drag Naruto back to his apartment. He knew that Naruto was going to be clingy or at least would throw a tantrum. He agreed with Kakashi that Naruto is a young man; however, Naruto mostly didn't act like one. Although, he can't deny that he has seen moments in which Naruto surpasses his expectations.
   Naruto was leaning against Kakashi the moment Jiraiya walked out. When his eyes reached Jiraiya, he looked distraught. "Naruto it's time. You can either have me escort you home or an Anbu will take you home by force." Kakashi glanced at Jiraiya quickly then turned back to Naruto. "Go," he said as Naruto lowered his head. Like a dog, he obeyed. He made his way behind Jiraiya with his head hanging low.
   It was in that moment that Kakashi realized Sakura was nearby. She walked his way and looked everywhere but at him. That's how he knew that she had seen Naruto and himself together. "Does the idea of Naruto and I overwhelm you?" She turned red as she looked at Kakashi. Without a word she entered the Hokage's office.


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