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Kakashi's POV
After training, I walked alongside Naruto to get him ramen. He was still a tad upset that I wrapped my arm around him in front of Sai. Honestly, I didn't care. That boy, he was totally after Naruto.
The waft of ramen drifted in the air, it seemed highly alluring for Naruto. He had picked up his pace as they neared the stand. As I was looking at the stand, I noticed Sai was there when a person walked out and moved the fabric covering the view of people eating.

   I decided this was the time to exam Sai with Naruto

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I decided this was the time to exam Sai with Naruto. "Hey Naruto, I just realized I have some business I need to take care of. Here's the money for the ramen. See ya!" Just with that, I disappeared from Naruto's view. Naruto stood dumbfounded for a short while till he practically ran towards the stand. I obviously didn't push him enough in training since he could still run.
I got closer in view of the stand and was in hearing distance. "Sai! You came to eat ramen too!" "Why yes, when you asked Kakashi if he was buying you ramen, I got a craving." Naruto ordered his ramen, and Sai decided to question him, "so... where is Kakashi?" "He said he had to take of somethings, but ramen is still on him." I could tell Naruto was smiling brightly despite not being able to see him.
"Kakashi seems to really like you as his student." "Why do you say that," Naruto responded with a mouthful of ramen, yet still sounded panicky. "He's paying for your ramen." "That's only because I beat him in paper rock scissors." "Despite that I had read just this morning that when one gets cozy with his student there must be some different residing feelings." "Sai what kind of books are you reading," Naruto laughed nervously.
I think I have enough information already to think it's Sai. "In fact, Kakashi-" "I what," I questioned as I walked in. "Ahh Kakashi!" Naruto jumped in his seat. "Sai was just saying-" "I was saying that you must really li-" Naruto covered his mouth, and slammed his back continuously hard. "I told him you're really helping me get stronger, so Sai said you're a good sensei."
Pointlessly lying. He must be afraid of my response. I would just tell Sai that I really do like Naruto. Naruto released Sai's mouth and he immediately said, "I will be taking my leave. I'm done eating." With that, the pale boy left the stand. I wrapped an arm around Naruto, "So Naruto, I must really like you." I laughed lightly as he flushed, "so you heard Sai!" I only smirked and he knew the answer.
Naruto stood from the chair as he thanked Teuchi and, his daughter, Ayame for the meal. As we walked out I felt the intense stare again, Sai came into view as he jogged in our direction. "I forgot my book." I watched as he disappeared into the stand. I still felt it... this meant Sai wasn't the one watching Naruto and I.
"Naruto do you feel that?" "Feel what?" "The feeling that someone's watching us." Naruto shook his head. This meant it must be someone that Naruto is used to being watched by. The sudden realization of who it was hit me.
We turned a corner, and I screamed out his name. Naruto looked at me cluelessly, but the man came out from the shadows. "So you found out it was me, I wouldn't expect less from you Kakashi." "Gah its you, Ero Sennin!" "Say Kakashi, when I told you that Naruto was back in your care. I didn't mean to take care of him that way." Naruto's face turned into an instant tomato. "I really didn't expect this from you Kakashi." "Ero Sennin! Kakashi did nothing wrong! I forced-" "Naruto stop. Jiriaya you should know that one can't control their feelings." "You read my books, you shouldn't be with Naruto." "Hey! I have respect for him." "That's why he called out you name in a dirty manner. You can't control yourself can you?" "Ero Sennin, you're wrong! He told me he loves me!" "Was that before or after he touched you?" My heart stopped then, maybe I was just a lustful man. I looked at Naruto and he just looked at the ground.
"I'm going to report this to the Hokage, I'm sure she'll deal with you two accordingly." "Jiriaya sensei, Kakashi treats me like I'm not a monster. He was one of the first to respect me. Please don't take him away from me." "Jiriaya, I do love him." Jiriaya backed up a bit and began to pace, "I still need to tell the Hokage, she would like to know because it's you Naruto. Besides this, he's seventeen, Kakashi. How long have you two been together? Never mind don't tell me." "Ero Sennin please." Naruto looked at Jiriaya sadly. "You two have my approval now, but Tsunade needs to know. I'm sorry Naruto."
Jiriaya turned his back to us, and walked away. It seemed like he was heading towards the Hokage tower. "Kakashi I'm sorry. If only if I let you tell everyone instead of telling you to keep quiet. I'm sor-" "Naruto stop. It's okay. I'm going to go speak with Lady Tsunade right now." "How do you think baa chan will react?" "I'm about to go find out."

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