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-4 episode time skip-
Naruto has returned from pretty much getting his ass kicked by Sasuke and he feels completely worthless. Kakashi promised to teach him a new ninjutsu that specifically revolves around him. Before Kakahshi tells Naruto what it's completely about, Asuma comes in and interrupts their discussion. Asuma then sends them to go eat which makes Naruto return later to the hospital to discuss things...
Naruto Pov
   After everyone finished eating at Barb-B-Q restaurant , I was the first to dismiss myself. I couldn't wait to hear what Kakashi had planned for training. I need to get stronger, quick.
   When I entered Kakashi's hospital room. He just sat there on his bed reading his book; he didn't even look up, yet he knew it was me. "Ahh Naruto how was the food?" "Good, Kakashi I was wondering what we are going to-" "Naruto," he interrupted me as he put down his book. Kakashi's gaze was always strong but this time it felt heavy as he studied me, "What else happened the day you saw Sasuke?" "Kakashi I have no idea what-"
   Once again he cut me off, "Don't lie. It's alright to tell me. Yamato told me he felt like you changed somehow during the fight. He told me that Sasuke stared into your eyes with his sharingan before you quote on quote changed." I look at my feet and fidgeted with my hands. I left out the part in the report when Sasuke forced out Kurama from my head, and , of course, I left out what happened after that.
   "Naruto." "I didn't tell Lady Tsunade about this when I reported to her... I shouldn't tell you." Kakashi patted the bed besides him as a motion for me to go sit besides him. "Kakashi, can you please just tell me how we are going to train," I practically sounded like I was begging. "Naruto, tell me now," his voice was filled with authority and I hated how it made me confess what happened, but it was probably for the best. It was eating me away.
   I walked up to Kakashi's bed and sat down besides him; he stared at me as if telling me to just spill it. "Kakashi please don't judge me after I tell you, okay." "I wouldn't."
Flashback/ Story Tell
  I could feel Kurama coming out as I was recovering from Sasuke's chidori stream. I was turning into a beast and Sasuke stared at me as he noticed. When I looked up his eyes met mine and he somehow entered my mind. As I was in front of Kurama, Kurama was attempting to lure me to use his power. I denied and denied, but Kurama was getting out of his cage. That's when Sasuke appeared. He forced Kurama back into his cage away from me. I was so confused how he had the power to do that. That's when I said it, "You knew, yet you still left." Sasuke stared at me as if he was confused. "Even now you know." His silence made me enraged and I screamed," I love you."
   Sasuke's face fell and I couldn't see if he had any emotions, but when he looked up, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me into a room while still being in my mind. He shoved me to the ground, and I looked at his face searching for something. But what I found, was a smirk on his face. He knelt down and started kissing me hard and even as I pushed against him to stop he continued. He started to bite my neck and when I yelled stop he stood and kicked me in the face. Even if we were in my mind, I couldn't stop him. I fell back feeling completely and utterly weak.
   He took the opportunity to try to pull my pants down. I began to sob and try to make hand signs but he held my hands down with one hand. When Sasuke noticed I was afraid he spat, "This is what happens when you love someone who is pent up on revenge."
   We returned to reality then. Only about a minute passed in actual time compared to in my mind. I pretended like everything was okay. But when Sasuke disappeared, I cried. I wasn't crying because I couldn't stop him from leaving, I cried because I couldn't stop him from doing as he pleased with me. I cried out then as I realized I'm totally weak.
End of flashback
   I cried throughout my explanation of what happened. Kakashi said nothing throughout the story, he just held me. The gesture was nice, but it also served as a reminder that I was totally powerless and pathetic. We said nothing until I finished crying and regained composure.
   "Naruto why do you still want to get stronger, and I'm not talking about becoming hokage?" The question caught me completely off guard. "I still want to get Sasuke back." "What," Kakashi practically screamed; I could now see anger on his face. "He is being corrupted by Orochimaru. Even though he did what he did, I can tell he's practically screaming for my help. Kakashi please help me get stronger. Please teach me the new ninjutsu." Kakashi looked away from me, and I found myself getting desperate. "Kakashi I will be yours, if you teach me this ninjutsu." Naruto stared at Kakashi as he turned around but his reaction wasn't what he expected. "Do you think I am manipulative like that? Don't put me on the same boat as Sasuke!" Kakashi lowered his voice as he began to apologize, "I'm sorry Naruto. I shouldn't have said that."
   I did end up feeling bad for what I said. Kakashi was right. I'm weak and if he'd agree he'd be taking advantage. Why am I so weak? Tears began to fill my eyes and I felt Kakashi's arm wrap around me. "Naruto I will help you train, under no condition."
   Naruto pulled out of the hug, "Kakashi, I want to... I don't even know how to explain this. I'm going to try to move on from Sasuke. I won't give up on saving him from the darkness, but I will make myself fall in love with you." "Naruto that's not something you can do. You can't control your feelings."
   I reached for Kakashi's mask and his eyes widened like he was recalling something. I pulled it down and smiled. "When I first saw your face I panicked because you're handsome." Kakashi just chuckled. I hated how calm and collected he was compared to me. My heart was racing even though I was the one making daring actions.
   I rubbed my finger against his lower lip feeling it's softness. I hoped I wasn't going to regret this as I leaned in. He placed his hand against my mouth blocking my kiss. I looked at him confused. "Not today Naruto. You should really think about what you want." When Kakashi moved his hand from my face I pouted causing him to chuckle once again. His face captivated me. He really was attractive, why would he cover his face? Is it to distracting to others? Can no one fight him without falling for him?
   "Naruto go home now." "No. I'll stay here. The faster you get better, the faster we train." I hopped off his bed and made my way to the other bed. I closed my eyes and was quickly engulfed by the darkness.
Kakashi's Pov
   I couldn't believe how quickly Naruto fell asleep. It was ridiculous. I sat there replaying everything that just happened. My anger rising as I remembered what Naruto told me about Sasuke. I got out of bed and headed to the restroom. I formed my hand into a fist and punched the mirror in front of me. The glass shattered easily and blood dripped from my hand. The pain meant nothing to me, I was just so angry that Sasuke would attempt to pretty much rape Naruto...
   I'll teach Naruto how to protect himself. He also made it easier for me to protect him, if he gives me a chance.

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