Being Away

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They continue with their mission to rescue Gaara. Kakashi and Naruto only worry about the mission and do end up rescuing Gaara. Everyone has returned to the Hidden Leaf Village. Kakashi is hospitalized for a week due to the strain caused by his Mangekyo Sharingan.
   Kakashi laid back with his lower face covered by the sheets. He didn't think using the new sharingan would have had this much of a toll on his body. He spoke to Tsunade as Naruto kept trying to look at his face. When Tsunade told him that he had no other choice but to rest, she walked out and Sakura followed, leaving Kakashi and Naruto alone.
   There was a thick silence for a while till Naruto attempted to leave, "Kakashi sensei I do hope you get better, but I should be going." Kakashi attempted to sit down but as he moved the bed sheet slipped from his face. Naruto only got a slight glance as Kakashi used all his energy to cover his face. Naruto's eyes widened, "Kakashi did I see correctly?" "Naruto you have to be more specific than that," Kakashi said as he just laid back in bed. "Ummm ... Never mind. I have to see what Sakura is up to." With that Naruto sprinted out of the room, leaving Kakashi alone as he released a heavy sigh.

-Time Skip-
New Team Kakashi is formed as Sai and Yamato are introduced. Kakashi wastes away in the hospital for a week.
   The first two days Kakashi felt okay. But the rest of the week was dreaded. Once again, Kakashi felt alone. He stared at the blank walls most of the time just thinking. Kakashi knew when you think to much it's bad, but what else could he do. There was no one to talk to and he finally faced the truth, he wasn't going to date Naruto. Naruto wasn't his. The feeling of rejection ate away any possibility of Kakashi being happy for a while. He just kept feeling empty.
   Day four came just as slowly as the other days. Kakashi read the same book for the billionth time and this time he felt nothing while reading it. These books were romantic and the couple had everything Kakashi didn't. They weren't alone; they were in love. They had it all. They could hold their loved one's hand in public. They could share passionate moments and just talk about anything. Kakashi hadn't had a bond like that in a while. Then Kakashi just kept thinking more... What if he only wanted to be friends with Naruto? What if Naruto was just supposed to be someone he opens up to?
   Kakashi was beginning to get a bit of closure while thinking he could work things out with Naruto so they just have a healthy friendly relationship until he fell asleep and dreamt.
Dream first pov
   I felt my body tense, as the window besides my hospital bed opened. But as quickly as my body tensed, it relaxed when I realized it was Naruto. The moonlight against his skin looked wonderful. His lightly tanned white skin looked creamy, and when his eyes met mine, I felt my breath hitch. Those eyes, those eyes are just enrapturing. His blue orbs glistened in the moon light.
   "Kakashi," as he spoke my name I realized I was staring and looked away. I'm pretty sure I had my usual blank gaze, but I knew my thoughts weren't normal. Naruto made his way closer to me, and I felt the urge to just grab him and never let go. But I won't, Naruto doesn't want me. "Kakashi," he repeated my name again as he placed his hand on my face. My eyes just pierced into his as he removed the mask from my face. This was to good to be true. As he was about to place his lips against mine, I thought again. This is to good to be true.
   Kakashi's eyes popped open as he pressed his hand against his bare face. He should've known he was dreaming. He wasn't wearing his mask. Feeling empty once again he reached for his mask and put it on. Maybe then. His dream could come true.
Meanwhile Naruto, Sakura, Yamato, and Sai execute their mission, and eventually find Sasuke on episode 51.
   Naruto stared at Sakura as she slowly turned her head. She recognized his voice as he called her name. Sasuke.
   Naruto sprinted as soon as he regained the ability to move. It had been so long since he's seen him. Sasuke.
   Naruto tripped as he ran but immediately got back up. He had to reach him. He had to look at his face again. As he reached the end of the tunnel he felt as if his mind was going to explode. His only thoughts were about him, Sasuke.
   As his eyes adjusted to the outside, the light pained him. He couldn't immediately see him. But as soon as his eyes registered, his eyes widened as he spoke his name, "Sasuke..."
So episode 51 continues with my maniac twist which will be described in the next chapter.

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