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Kakashi's Pov
I awoke to find the bed next to mine empty. I should've known it was all to good to be true. I guess he woke up and realized he totally fucked up. I turned away from the bed and looked out the window. I guess we aren't meant to be...
Soon after that, I could hear the door behind me burst open, and when I turned, Naruto threw himself onto the bed. "I brought you food," he said with his beautiful smile plastered onto his face. I could only flash him an eye smile because I was just to shocked. He pressed the bag against me and reached for my mask, "What are you doing Naruto?" "Well, you do need to take it off to eat." My eyes flashed to the open door and that seemed to make Naruto catch a hint. He hopped off the bed and closed the door, "Sorry I forgot."
"I haven't eaten either, Kakashi, I hope you don't mind me eating with you." "Of course not," I said as I removed my mask. Naruto instantly stared at me; it honestly made me feel anxiety and I scratched the back of my head before reaching for the bag off food. "So what did you buy," I asked. "Ramen, of course," Naruto said without looking away from my face. "Ramen for breakfast. You have to start eating other things." Naruto took out his tongue and said nah. Too cute, I thought to myself.
We ate in silence until Naruto decided to speak," So how much longer are we staying here?" I raised an eyebrow at him as he slurped up more ramen. "We," I questioned. "I'm staying here with you of course." I looked down at the ramen I was eating and showed no emotion. I was seriously dying in the inside, I didn't know how to react.
Naruto's Pov
After I told Kakashi I was staying with him, he stayed quiet and looked at his ramen. What does that mean? Is he already tired of me? I finished up my ramen and couldn't figure out what to do, so instead I stood and went into the restroom. As I entered, I heard cracking sounds as I walked. When I looked, I found glass shards on the ground. I looked around and found a broken mirror, "Say Kakashi, what happened in here?"
As I was about to pop my head out from behind the door, Kakashi stood before me. "Umm... Not sure," he replied calmly, but I could tell he was lying. "Don't worry Naruto. I'll get someone to clean it up." I watched him walk back to the bed to put on his mask, and noticed he had cut knuckles. "Kakashi why did you punch the mirror?" He chuckled nervously as he put on his mask, "Heh. Guess nothing can get past you." Once again he ran a hand through his silver colored hair. "Kakashi," I questioned as I walked towards him.
He gave me a stern look and stayed quiet before responding, "I was just angry. Can we leave it at that?" I looked away with a pout and some anger on my expression. He didn't want to tell me. I could hear him sigh as he neared me. I turned my back to him. He wrapped his arms around me from behind; the unexpected gesture making me slightly tense. "Just let me hold on to you," Kakashi muttered making my heart race. I didn't dare speak, knowing my voice would shake out of nervousness. I could feel my cheeks burning. "Trust me that I'm not telling you for a reason." I only nodded.
Just then there was a knock at the door, and Kakashi, of course, instantly released me. I turned my back to the door trying to make myself calm down or at least to calm the redness of my flaming cheeks. The door opened and Bushy Brow sensei walked in with flowers. "Ahh nice to see you Guy," Kakashi said calmly and unfazed. "Just checking on my rival. Nice to see you Naruto." I turned my headed still feeling a bit flushed and smiled. Nope can't talk right now. "I brought you flowers Kakashi to bring out the youthfulness of the room..." Guy sensei kept talking to Kakashi as I once again walked into the restroom, this time ignoring the glass shards. I looked into a piece of the mirror still intact, I look like Hinata when she's around me. I leaned against the sink and breathed. It was just a hug, I reassured myself. Damn liking Kakashi wasn't going to be difficult.
Earlier I know I was staring at Kakashi's face, but I couldn't help it. Maybe if I had seen his face before, I would've been with him sooner. Wait. Are we together? My mind began racing. Are we actually a thing? After telling him about Sasuke, I did say I would give him a shot but we didn't say anything official. I turned on the faucet and rubbed water on my face. Get it together. Be smooth. Be calm. Pretty much act like Kakashi.
I walked out expressionless and found Kakashi alone, sitting on his bed with a book propped open. "What happened to Bushy Brow Sensei?" "He only came to give me the flowers he has a mission to undergo." "Oh cool." Normally I'd be bothering Lady Tsunade to give me a mission, but I'm seeing how it is to be around Kakashi more. I sat on the corner of Kakashi's bed and studied him as he read his book. Of course, I had seen him before close, but this time I paid attention to every detail of his face.
Kakashi didn't have his eyes covered but he had his sharingan eye closed as he read easily with one eye. His scar ran from his eye brow down to the edge of his mask. My gaze wandered to his unscarred eye and noticed he was looking back at me. I looked away instantly. Great. That really wasn't smooth like Kakashi.
Kakashi closed his book and placed it on the bed as he teased, "Like what you see?" My heart rate instantly picked up and my face felt hot. "I'm only kidding." Kakashi's gaze stayed on me as he studied me. "Naruto what are we?" I stayed quiet and looked up at him still not knowing what too reply. "Are we even anything," he asked another question still trying to get a response out of me. "Are we going to be anything," he questioned for the third time.
I looked away from him and fidgeted with my hands. I have no clue why but I couldn't think of what to say, so I stayed there like a silent idiot. I felt Kakashi shift and soon felt his hand on my face. My heart raced; I felt vulnerable. "Naruto, will you be my boyfriend?" I got off the bed and away from Kakashi's touch. "I-I am not sure if I'm over Sasuke. I know what he did to me was wrong, but..." Kakashi looked away from me, what was I doing. "I'll give you a chance. I'll be your boyfriend." I could see a smile through his mask when he looked at me.
   I sat back onto his bed not knowing what to expect. He embraced me and muttered, "I'll always fight to protect you." Not really knowing what he was talking about, I melted into the warmth of the hug as I breathed in his scent. Maybe this is what I needed. Maybe I won't feel alone anymore.

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