Conversion Academy {7}

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I was racked with nerves as I showered in the morning and got dressed. Siggy and Cam were patrolling our hallway, banging on doors and shoving kids out of their way. Cam looked a strange combination of angry and pleased as he rampaged down the hallway. Siggy performed his duties with detached indifference.

With a towel wrapped around my waist, I hurried down to my room. Leo was still in the bathroom brushing his teeth, so I hastily dropped the towel and pulled my uniform on.

Leo came back into the room just as I was shrugging on my sweater vest. He shut the door and changed into his uniform, seeming at ease despite what we'd done last night.

"You're not worried?" I asked.

He glanced at me and shrugged. "Nah, not really. Kaz already knows we're going to get caught. You, however, need to keep your cool. Sternberg won't know you were involved unless you give it away. So whatever you do, don't look guilty or suspicious."

"He knows you're going to get caught?" I asked in disbelief. "Then why the hell did he do it? Does he have a death wish?"

"Kaz and I will definitely get caught. Pete is usually with Kaz, so he'll probably take the fall, too. Mika might get away with it, but I doubt it. Then go after all of our group just to make sure the point gets across. You're not part of our group, though. You don't run with Kaz." He tugged his vest on, shirt lazily untucked and wrinkled. "Kaz doesn't have a death wish. He just knows that every fire needs a spark. He doesn't care if he gets burned as long as he can start that fire."

I shook my head. "You people are all crazy."

Leo grinned. "Maybe. That's okay with me."

We grabbed our bags and left the door. Siggy was waiting at the end of the hallway, eyes slipping over kids as they walked by. I expected him to ignore us as we walked by, but he reached out and roughly grabbed Leo's shirt, yanking him up close.

"Tuck your damn shirt in, trash," he said. He lowered his voice, so low that I could barely hear it even standing right next to them. "If Rogan gets hit for this, tell Kaz I'll kill him with my bare hands."

He shoved Leo backwards and shooed us away. We went outside, meeting up with Kaz and Pete.

"Where are Mika and Cara?" Leo asked as we walked.

"Probably in a fist fight with a Blue," Kaz said, shrugging. "Mikayla told Pete not to wait up for them."

Leo glanced around and dropped his voice. "Siggy had a message for you."

"A death threat, probably. If Rogan gets hurt, it's because he brought it on himself," Kaz said dismissively. "Everyone knows he and I don't work together."

We reached the building and went inside. Kids were crowded around the door, a low hum of excitement rippling through everyone. I could make out Mr. Sternberg and two kids in blue vests on either side of him.

Mr. Sternberg kept his expression neutral and watched as the crowd of kids grew. Mikayla and Cara caught up to our group after a few minutes, trying to peer over the heads of the other kids to see into the room.

"Now that you're all here, proceed into Mr. Miller's classroom," Mr. Sternberg said.

Everyone filed off down the hallway and into the classroom. We all took our seats, my heart slamming against my chest.

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