Conversion Academy {28} END

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                "No, no, no," Leo said, kicking a box in my direction. "Keep your stuff on your side or I'll end up with your clothes."

                "You can't fit in my clothes. They'd fall right off you," I said, picking the box up and setting it with the rest of my stuff.

                "Ha-ha. You're hilarious," Leo said. He jumped on his skateboard and slowly rolled through our little dorm room, making sure he'd gotten all of his stuff.

                I looked around our empty room, feeling sad. Today was the day we all left the Academy and went back to our hometowns.

                Once Constance left us alone, the rest of our time at the Academy was great. We spent the next few months annoying teachers, sneaking off campus to run around in town, and spending time outside of classes together just hanging out and having fun.

                I was closer to the kids at the Academy than I'd ever been to my friends back home. There was nothing you could hide around here, and no reason to hide any of it. I was open with them- probably a little too open, sometimes.

                And Kaz, that little shit I called my boyfriend, had made me so happy since we'd started dating. He'd even watched Sharknado with me one night (I tried to put on Rubber after but Kaz stole the remote and threatened to break up with me on the spot, what an asshole).

                I would never understand how Aaron could have Kaz and let him go. I hoped to god that Aaron sent all those messages to Kaz because he missed him. I wanted Aaron to miss Kaz, because he deserved to suffer after what he had put Kaz through.

                Kaz was very slowly starting to open his eyes to the abuse he'd been put through at Aaron's hands. He was finally starting to realize that he deserved to be treated kindly. Sometimes he still got surprised by how much we cared about him, but he was adjusting to it day by day.

                Our door banged open and Mikayla came in. She had a few hoodies and T-shirts slung over her arm.

                "Hey!" Leo said. "You could've given those back before I packed up my clothes."

                "Be lucky I'm even giving them back," Mikayla said, tossing Leo's clothes onto his bed.

                "Hold on, hold on." Leo dug through them and picked up a Waterparks T-shirt. He sprayed it with his cologne and tossed it to Mikayla. "There, your prize for not murdering me this year."

                Mikayla grinned at Leo and punched his shoulder. "I'll give it back at some point this summer."

                "Oh, please, you might as well write your name on the tag," Leo said, rolling his eyes.

                We checked the time, realizing our parents would be here soon. Everything was packed up and ready to go, but I didn't want to leave.

                After this came college, which meant even more separation from Kaz. We'd figured out that we only lived about a 30 minute drive from each other, and had found a spot in the middle we could meet and hang out at. We had also worked it out that I would go spend a week staying with Kaz at the end of the month, once we were all settled back in. I was praying that I wouldn't run into Aaron, but Kaz said he knew the right places to go to avoid Aaron.

                I'd been on and off the phone with my parents, keeping them updated on me and my friends and boyfriend, hoping to ease them into the idea of seeing me and Kaz together when they picked me up today. Very, very slowly, my parents were trying to come to terms with my sexuality.

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