Conversion Academy {6}

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I checked the time and felt hope blossoming inside of me. It was getting late and I was hoping that Kaz and his gang had forgotten about dragging me into a life of illegal actions.

The door open and I froze, cursing myself for jinxing everything. But when I looked over, it was just Leo and Mikayla walking in.

Leo jumped up onto his bed and laid down on his stomach. Mikayla settled herself in his chair, texting on her phone.

"I just can't believe Pete forgot again," Mikayla said, shaking her head.

"Mika, seriously, it's Pete. Are you really that surprised?" Leo said. "He forgets everything."

"He was in a shitty mood this morning," I said.

"That's how Pete actually is," Leo said, glancing over at me. "He has conduct disorder. Trust me, the guy is a goddamn nightmare when he's off his meds."

"What's he on meds for?" I asked.

Leo snorted. "What isn't he on meds for? Behavioral control, anxiety, strong pain killers, sleeping name it, Pete's on it."

"That explains the hydros," I mumbled.

"He has a really bad knee. Before he was on meds for his behavior, he got in a nasty fight and his knee got wrecked. It gives him a lot of pain and gives out on him a lot, so he started taking hydros," Leo said, shrugging.

"The meds mess with his memory, though. Pete's so drugged up, he can't remember shit," Mikayla said.

Hopefully he'd share his drugs with the others so they'd forget about tonight. My eyes shot to the clock against my will.

"Oh, you're not getting out of tonight," Leo said, noticing where my stare was. "Kaz is just finishing up a paper."

Our door opened and Siggy came in, shutting the door behind him and locking it. He leaned against my bed, arms crossed, hair pulled back into that tiny ponytail.

"Don't be idiots," he said. "I'm not cleaning up your messes for you."

"What's your excuse tonight, Sig?" Leo asked.

Siggy shrugged. "My excuse is that my allergies were bothering me so I took medication and it made me drowsy. I went to bed early. Are you bringing Beckett?"

"You know Kaz barely goes anywhere without him," Mikayla said. "Trust me, no one is getting caught tonight."

Siggy glanced at me. "Don't fuck this up, newbie. Just do what you're told."

I wanted to spit back a sarcastic comment, but I was too busy mentally comparing him to his brother. God, the two could not look less alike.

"Stop staring at me."

I snapped out of my daze. "Huh? Oh, I was just comparing you and your brother. It's like comparing a chocolate bar to mayonnaise."

Jesus Christ mouth, why do you spit out words before they're processed by the brain?

Siggy's expression remained cool and closed off. "Rogan and I are adopted. We're not blood related."

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