Conversion Academy {25}

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After a painfully long silence, Mikayla stood up. Her face was furious, eyes darting between Kaz, Siggy, and Constance.

"Stop it," she said, voice shaking with anger. "Leo and I didn't do anything. Stop lying."

"You gave me his phone," Siggy said. "While he was off tonguing Killian, you gave me his phone yesterday."

Oh. Oh no.

Last night, after Kaz had figured out what Constance was going to do, he and I ended up back in my room making out. Kaz had tossed his phone on his desk before he left, not wanting to deal with Aaron anymore.

I yanked my phone out of my pocket and checked my messages. There was a reply to Aaron, the same one currently projected on the board. But when...

When I was showering. Of course. Leo and I had both gone to the showers at the same time. Someone must've went into our room while we were gone and texted off my phone.

I checked the time of the reply, confirming my thoughts. It had been sent around the same time I had gone to shower this morning.

"Siggy," Mikayla said, staring at him in surprise. "You did this?" She clenched her fists tightly. "You...You..." Unable to find a word, she glared at him.

"Constance is making him do it!" Rogan snapped. "Seph would never do that unless they made him!"

Siggy looked at Kaz. "I chose to do it."

Kaz was desperately trying to recover his composure. "How unfortunate."

"Kaz, he's lying, okay? Leo and I didn't know he was going to hurt you. He said he needed to see your phone to text Rogan," Mikayla said.

"Killian, let me see your phone," Kaz said, and my heart sank as I handed it over to him. He never called me Killian.

He looked at the conversation between me and Aaron. He handed the phone back to me silently.

"You're good, Constance, but I'm better," Kaz said. "The time of that text? Killian was in the shower. Siggy and Cam had full access to the room and the phone."

Thank the friggin' lord that Kaz wasn't the type to flip out as soon as he saw something that looked bad. Oh, thank god he actually thought things through rationally.

"We'd never betray Kaz," Leo said fiercely.

But Kaz was staring at Siggy. Siggy met his eyes with an unflinching gaze, face as emotionless as always. He didn't try to deny anything. Just silently accepted his role in this betrayal.

"Kaz," I said, realizing what Constance was doing. He knew that Kaz wasn't an idiot. He knew damn well that Kaz would look at the situation rationally and find out that Leo, Mikayla, and I hadn't meant to hurt him. But Siggy had done this on purpose, whether Constance had forced him to or not. That was enough to send Kaz spiraling back into the memories of what Aaron had done to him. Kaz never got over that, and now Constance was flinging him back into it. All it took was that initial shock to push Kaz to the edge, and Siggy was the final piece that finally dragged Kaz down.

Kaz didn't look at me. I realized that he was trying to hide the quickening rise and fall of his chest.

"Casimir," I said sharply, finally catching his attention. "Constance made Siggy do this."

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